Martes, Mayo 24, 2011

selena gomez and justin bieber

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  • dernhelm
    Oct 19, 07:39 AM
    Is there anything really innovative there? I don't think so. Yes, MacPro is an example of beautiful engineering, but there's not much innovation in there.

    So what are you expecting? The computer industry hasn't been truly innovative since the first ICs were produced. I suppose you could claim the invention of the mouse was relatively innovative, but certainly not the addition of the keyboard - those had been used in typewriters for years! For the rest of it, all it is is binary mathematics - with short and long term storage - this was all stuff mathematicians had a handle on for millenia. Nothing innovative there right? The internet? Not really innovative, people had been connecting PCs together with serial and parallel cables for years before that. The internet did it better, but so what? To be truly innovative, you must come up with something that no one else has ever done, right?

    In case you hadn't noticed, pretty much everything in the computer industry had been done before, or can be seen as an adaption of something else. So by your definition, there are no new ideas and therefore no innovation anywhere. Which leads me to ask, what innovative things are you looking for, that you feel you can criticize Apple for not being innovative enough?

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  • Mike Teezie
    Mar 31, 08:28 PM
    That is hideous.

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  • mulo
    May 3, 07:36 AM
    i'm not seeing them in the store

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  • littleman23408
    Sep 17, 04:21 PM
    Blink 182 - Blink 182
    First Pressing Pink/Green Swirl 1/500
    Lazer Etched D side

    I want!!!!!!:)

    Oooh! Nice! Well done!

    Oh dear, nevermind;)

    haha, that made me laugh pretty good. Cosmo's factory turned out to be better than i thought it would be. I have Green River and prefer Cosmo's Factory over it.


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  • irbdavid
    Jul 21, 11:24 AM
    Afterall Apple does not want you to use Windows, it only wants you to believe you could run Windows if you had to, in order to ease switcher anxiety.

    Actually they want to sell you the hardware, right? Apple calls itself a hardware company that makes a bit of software on the side, rather than software company that makes hardware to sell with it, doesn't it?

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  • Seo
    Apr 12, 09:10 AM
    Wow, we're all over the place aren't we. If we cover our bases we'll have to be right! :D


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  • fireshot91
    Dec 29, 05:07 PM
    Jesus Christ...she basically ate a whole 8th grader in one sitting...:eek:


    I wish I could eat that much without gaining

    Ah, I really love food <3.

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  • al256
    Jun 6, 08:58 PM
    As usual American's (yeah I'm American) love to blame someone for their own responsibility. It's so weird how people on here fight for freedom from the lockdowns that Apple puts on it's developers, freedoms from the limitations and restrictions Apple puts on the iPhone (hence why people jailbreak). Yet when a parent doesn't take accountability for their absence of judgement and legal obligation to be responsible for their child, everyone goes off on Apple for not having the protections in place to prevent this?

    There are so many hypocrites in this country, probably because nobody wants to take accountability for their own actions. What if it were a gun. If the parent left it on the night stand with a bullet in it, and the kid picked it up and shot & killed someone, would you all be blaming the maker of the gun? No, you'd be going after the parents for failure to supervise their kid which led to actions causing someone's death.

    So why is it different here?

    IT'S NOT.

    Guns don't kill people, iPod Touches making a $1,000 purchase kills people...


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  • dextertangocci
    Jul 28, 07:58 AM
    This is great news! When the Zune is at its peak in three-five years, it can coincide with the first release of Vista in 2009-2012.

    Do you seriously think VISTA (Viruses, Infections, Spyware, Trojans & Adware) is going to be released that early?:rolleyes: lol.

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  • Intell
    Apr 20, 08:16 PM
    I said that I would play but I don't think Intell wants me since he hasn't added me to the list :P .

    Sorry I've missed a few. Been very busy with a surprise project for school.


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  • NathanMuir
    Apr 27, 04:49 PM

    Good luck villagers.

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  • vincenz
    Apr 12, 09:12 AM
    Breaking news, iPhone 5 to come out within the next 10 years :rolleyes:


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  • FrankM
    Jan 26, 10:31 AM
    Basically people are idiots. It's common knowledge that Apple holds the market share on mp3 players by a huge margin. It will take years (if ever) for Apple to lose that position. However, iPod sales should slow as the market becomes saturated. Everyone now has an iPod, except for the handful of Zune owners and off-brand owners who are just plain too cheap or too dumb to buy the real McCoy. At any rate, Apple now has the challenge to maintain their market share and they will do so through innovation and continually improving their product to get all of us to keep upgrading to the latest and greatest iPod.

    I think investors and analysts alike need to now focus their attention more on the iPhone, movie rentals/:apple:TV and the Macs as this is where Apple still has a lot of room to grow. Apple has a real chance to reproduce the iPod through their :apple:TV and I believe that if/when their movie rental/purchase division does take off, it will be more lucrative than their music division. Apple also gained a 20% market share on the smart phone industry in their first 90 days with the iPhone. I feel that when iPhone take 2 is released, sales of that unit will make the 1st iPhone look like child's play. The fact that the Mac consistently gains market share cannot be ignored. Apple really needs to step up here and get the excitement back into their computers, much like they have done with the iPod/iPhone/iTunes.

    Just remember how terrible the 1st generation iPods were compared to the current models and how far it has come. Apple has the opportunity again to do this with iPhone/:apple:TV/Macs --> yes with the Mac too...they need to innovate again with their computers. Not take a computer and make it thinner and lighter with less features, but really innovate here. Create a paradigm shift in how the world uses and thinks about computers, much like they did with music. Unless you think that Jobs and his crew are done and they have nothing left to give then I say buy Apple. Apple has been in existence for 32 years now and is at the top of their game. They have great momentum, a ton of cash lying around and a great management/marketing/engineering team still in place. Hell, I'm kinda glad that Apple's stock is getting negative press lately. With any success always comes the pessimism of "when" will they fall. You know as well as I do, that when Apple shocks us all again with their innovation, everyone's gonna jump back on board and will probably think twice before leaving again.

    So bottom line is this: When Apple starts showing that they are losing market share in all their divisions, start racking up debt and start giving us dull and crappy products to buy (like their competition) then I'd sell and run...until then buy and hold.....What kills me the most is that all of these financial companies who basically created the mess we are in and are writing down billions in losses every quarter are enjoying nice rebounds to their stock prices. People are idiots.

    Wonderful analysis! I've owned AAPL for about 10 years and follow the stock quite closely (accounting for stock splits, the purchase of my shares averages about $6). This recent drop is a bit of a throw-back to about 8 years ago when AAPL's fluctuations seemed to be caused purely by psychological factors. For reasons too complex to get into here, AAPL has been a stock that trades more in response to emotional factors than business facts.

    This settled out a bit about two years ago when everyone realized that the iPod was a real product that real people were buying and the market share for Macs was increasing. None of this has changed, of course. There was a steady and warranted price appreciation to about the $160 range and then everybody went a little crazy again over the iPhone and AAPL shot up to over $200. Now, for no clear reason, there's panic in the streets and the sky is falling. It may take a year to 18 months, but this too shall pass and AAPL will be over $200 again. Buy now and HOLD!!

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  • rmwebs
    Apr 26, 01:53 PM
    here's another article for you.....

    Wow...are you really that narrowminded?

    I'm not for one minute, nor did I ever say that Amazons cloud is invincible. The point I was making was that if Apple plan on using 1 datacenter, they will not only make the service unusable outside the US, but also make it pretty unreliable. The Amazon outage was the first since 2008 and was caused by a network glitch. Not exactly your run of the mill outage.

    Either way, Amazons cloud will outperform Apple's, period end of story. You'd have to be a pretty delusional fanboy to think that Apple would have the upper hand in this market. :rolleyes:


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  • Doctor Q
    Dec 2, 12:20 PM
    In this case, it has been examined, and the result is that there will be a Kernel Panic.

    The important thing is, there is no security risk. Nobody can use this to install a virus or adware on your computer. They can use it to crash your computer - once if you are clever, twice if you are not quite so clever, but not more often. They can't do anything but crash the computer.Mac OS X is so stable that I am perfectly comfortable working for an hour in between saving my open files. If I was likely to run into websites that purposely exploited a flaw to crash my Mac, I'd have to change my habits and live more defensively.

    Sure, losing work would be my fault for not saving after each keystroke, but I'd still blame the website. For example, suppose it was a site pretending to take a political poll, but if you voted against their favored choice, they punished you with a system crash. Even if this is not a security concern, it's a concern, and I'd like to see it fixed.

    These types of reports don't panic me and I'm glad that Apple does pay attention to most bugs and security concerns. I don't expect them to avoid all glitches, only to make a reasonable effort when programming their O.S. and applications, and to fix problems that are later revealed.

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  • marksman
    Apr 19, 02:15 PM
    Apple will be stupid, make their TV the same shape as the others and be sued by everyone.

    Funny how it is. Apple is ultra successful, makes tons of money, and still cowers out of fear.

    The fanboys feel sorry for them, and make excuses.

    What a bizarre environment the little man lives in.

    Welcome to Mac Rumors!


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  • rdowns
    Mar 1, 11:21 AM
    All you need to do is look at him to know that it's not a show. He definitely wants publicity, but I don;t think it's going to get him the results he wants. Most people I know are horrified and of the opinion that he just ruined his career. I have to agree.

    This is Hollywood we're talking about here. Sheen is hardly through. Look at Robert Downey Jr and Lindsay Lohan. They don't operate in the real world out there.

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  • FX4568
    Apr 17, 08:12 PM
    Are you really going to carry all those? If you want to travel with the thing, just take what you need. I can see an Air + external 2.5inch RAID being a nice minimalist setup for video editing.

    This is a personal opinion but here: If i had to carry a 1.5 pound weighing 2.5 inch RAID, I rather buy a MBP 13. But again, this my personal opinion, and you are entitled to yours.

    Sounds like a good trade.

    1 USB port in a laptop? you must be kidding. a USB port for a TB port that is useless until perhaps 6-12 months?

    How does it effect movies? This new GPU is easily powerful enough to decode video. Do you watch all your movies on fast forward or something?
    And what are you using OpenGL for that needs that power? Most apps run fine without much acceleration.

    When we say "enough" and "runs fine" we are thinking of apps that require minimal standards. Man, when we are talking about at least quality games such as WoW, SC2, and MMO's, the difference between 320m and the Intel GPU is the difference between "playable and not playable"

    Is it huge, or is it only 30%?
    These are all just rumours anyway.

    50% in samsung 9 series. they use exactly the same processor.

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  • Consultant
    Apr 14, 12:27 PM
    At this rate jailbreakers will never catch up.

    steve knight
    Dec 31, 01:15 AM
    you gotta feel sorry for the poor abused toilet. I can imagine the reamed out plumbing.

    May 3, 11:37 PM
    I'm trying to old out with my cracked screen 3GS. Not sure I can wait until September...

    Aug 15, 05:01 PM
    It must just be where I live but...everyone I know uses AIM, ichat, or adium (my weapon of choice) I dont have a single friend that uses yahoo or msn

    It does vary quite a lot by where you live. Living in Sweden (and coming from the UK) just about everyone I know uses MSN.

    May 3, 08:10 AM
    $100 says that in 2 months we will hear about screen flickering issues. :rolleyes:

    only specs are changed, i bet the screens are same.

    apple likes to keep the update minimum

    hope flicker does not come back for new owners!!! :cool:

    Apr 29, 08:27 PM
    This would be awesome news if I hadn't stopped paying for music the second Napster was released

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