Miyerkules, Mayo 25, 2011

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  • notabadname
    Apr 28, 11:19 AM
    Hmmmm . . .

    Should Google be more excited about how many copies of Android it has sold . . . .

    Or Apple about how many copies of the iPhone it has sold ?

    (little hint, Google isn't selling the Android OS)

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  • tbrinkma
    Apr 28, 01:01 PM
    All boats except Symbian (it's too huge a s[t]inking ship to be lifted by any tide) and Windows Phone 7 ( they made a paper boat in the hope of getting lifted but sadly it looks like the tide is too big for it to ride)

    Ok, sure. There's exceptions for boats which have been so neglected they're keels have rusted out (Symbian), and boats with cast-lead structural members (WinP7)... :p

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  • firestarter
    May 1, 09:46 PM
    The rumour I hear is he's dead and US forces have his body.

    President about to make a statement.

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  • nick004
    Oct 24, 08:14 AM
    Anyone know if the hard drives are user replaceable?

    doubt it same case design


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  • seanpholman
    Mar 13, 06:07 PM
    At 10:30 this morning Bristol had a few white Verizon pads and a few black 16GB WiFi pads. Neither was what I was looking for. I went to MV, Spectrum, Fashion Isalnd, called Brea and Cerritos - all sold out. I am going back to Bristol for opening time tomorrow.


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  • jmcrutch
    Apr 12, 11:29 AM
    Maybe this is already being done (if so, I'm not aware), but it would be very nice if PREDICTIONS for iPhone and iPad were tracked. I'd love to see a chart that shows all the predictions, including the dates they were made, what the prediction was, in terms of speculated release dates, and finally, the accuracy of the prediction.

    We get ambiguous statements in the MacRumors reports, along the lines of "this analyst/reporter has demonstrated viable sources in the past;" however I don't think there's any hard reporting on how accurate past predictions have been. All we have to do is just think about the iPad2 predictions that were being made as late as January to comprehend how wrong they are ... and that was on the practical eve of release.

    I vote for Page 2 as well. Or page 3.


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  • kiljoy616
    Apr 21, 11:27 PM

    http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T3n0vBcW5fc&feature=related :D

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  • JAT
    Apr 30, 08:58 AM
    Amazon sells mostly LAME encoded 256kbs mp3 files, which are pretty comparable to the AAC files ITMS sells. AAC may have a slight advantage (for example see http://www.head-fi.org/forum/thread/271330/256-vbr-aac-vs-320-mp3-vs-256-vbr-mp3#post_3459768), but not much.


    When are they gonna start selling lossless??
    Is that true, about the 256bit? I thought they were still 128. That has kept me from even looking at Amazon.
    Agree - christmas music is quite annoying.

    And the selection of Saturnalia music is quite thin.
    Well, since Christmas = Saturnalia, it's all Saturnalia music.

    Top it off Mp3 is smaller at the same bit rate

    And therefore lower quality.


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  • aegisdesign
    Jul 10, 12:54 PM
    I'm with KookAid, I find that the Inspector is far more time consuming than a well laid out Icon Bar with drop boxes. Maybe it's because I've been using Microsoft Office forever. But I have given Pages a serious try and I find that I really like it, except for it's lacking AutoCorrection and Inspector.

    Toolbars and drop down menus are the things Microsoft have DROPPED from Office 2007.

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  • Surely
    Sep 13, 08:52 PM
    And what is the astronaut shirt? :confused:

    It's a shirt with an astronaut on it.

    Look closely at the label, it will lead you to it.

    And if you live in Chicago, you can go to the actual store.....


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  • steadysignal
    May 4, 10:06 AM
    This is news????

    I thought based on all the other reports it was a fore gone conclusion that there will not be any IP5 this summer.

    as always, spot on.

    it has all but been confirmed for a while now.

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  • nobunaga209
    Jan 31, 07:52 AM
    A riding backpack, new textile jacket and rear seat cowl.
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  • ciTiger
    Apr 28, 04:07 PM
    And when you thought it was safe to buy a white iPhone 4... No rest for the white lovers... lol

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  • apolloa
    Apr 22, 05:28 PM
    Nope, don't believe a word of this report, not one word. This will be next years iPhone if it's true, not this years. Why would Apple re-design it 2 years running when it's selling by the truck load?


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  • cult hero
    Apr 24, 12:58 PM
    One of my first thoughts when Verizon got an iPhone out of sync with the normal production order was the the iPhone 5 (or 4S) was going to be unlocked and Verizon wanted to capitalize on a few months of their own form of exclusivity.

    I hope this means I'm right.

    I'm currently sporting a Nexus One which, since its OTA update to 2.3 is a phone that has all the stability and responsiveness of Windows ME. (I have not found this to be generally true of the Android platform, but the Nexus One hasn't done the platform any favors for me personally.)

    I've been eyeing the G2X (so far as I can tell it's just a rebranded LG Optimus 2X) as my next phone, but I think I'm gonna just wait and see what June - September has in store.

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  • maclaptop
    Apr 21, 11:47 PM
    Actually, the irony is that the people who are looking at you and judging you based on your phone are the snobs.

    Apple certainly doesn't come across as fools for protecting their designs. And if you know a little bit about how this works, you'd know that by not protecting it, they forfeit the right to protect it in the future if the same thing happens. Then again, that's for corporate lawyers to handle, it's not a marketing decision. And...being a public company, they have an obligation to their shareholders to not allow these kind of infringements. But yeah, I can see how this is easily percieved as bullying, or stupid, by people who can't see the forest through the trees such as yourself.

    Attempted insults show your insecurity.

    You're assumptions prove it.

    Try your tactics on someone else :)


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  • Yvan256
    Jul 28, 09:37 AM
    iTunes, iPod, Music Store, TV Shows, etc.....

    Apple's efforts have been just as long term as Microsoft's. Apple just seems more segmented because they don't disclose info ahead of time. Apple had the advantage of being the first with all of these.

    In think the main point of view of many people here is that when Microsoft makes long-term plans, it's because they're planning to drive the competition to the ground with the help of a big pile of cash instead of innovation and good products.

    The fact that they started this whole new thing by dropping their own PlaysForSure DRM isn't a good indicator (for the users AND commercial partners - they have to switch hardware again).

    Apple, on the other hand, has switched three times (68K->PPC, OS 9->OS X, PPC->Intel) and has always tried to keep compatibility with the previous system. A first generation iPod can play iTMS-bought tunes, too (unless I'm mistaken).

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  • rovex
    Apr 27, 03:16 PM
    No, but he assumed your intention was hurtful

    I should have elaborated in my first post but regardless, his reply was uncalled for.

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  • MorphingDragon
    Apr 16, 09:09 PM
    Well, for starters, to prevent the damn year 2038 problem.

    Don't ruin the fun. We still have to make 2038 theories about the world ending. :D

    Oct 24, 09:14 AM
    I was disappointed that the resolution was not updated to 1920x1200...I would assume this would have added siginificant costs? or maybe they think the current resolution is good enough and that there is little noticable difference between the current vs 1920x1200 ? Anyone else feel this is a big deal? Reasons why the higher resolution is not necessary? Thanks

    On a windows machine, everything seemed absurdly small under 1920x1200, but it might not be such a problem on a mac where more stuff is scaled. I would have liked to see the bigger resolution though.

    Apr 14, 02:47 PM
    as is usually the case after a reboot.

    forget it.

    It's not worth getting into. Not everyone has the issues with their phones. I reboot mine almost everyday and with this update I notice a speed difference. I don't have an issue with opening youtube vids in safari and I have no lag time with opening 3rd party apps. Get over it.

    Jun 7, 04:50 PM
    Download only FREE apps. :D

    ... and don't buy everything that looks shiny :eek::apple::p

    Apr 22, 09:34 AM
    Many get garbage 3G speeds on AT&T in many areas anyway, so what's the point of having a 4G iPhone that GSM provider (insert AT&T) in the US can't even support on a mass basis?

    Jan 1, 09:53 PM
    I hear her underwear screaming for help.

    There. Fixed that for you.


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