Martes, Mayo 24, 2011

jeff dunham walter photos

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  • mdriftmeyer
    Apr 22, 04:26 PM
    The iPhone 4 had just the right thickness. Tapering everything to a weak point is bad engineering.

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  • dXTC
    Oct 27, 11:48 AM
    I already got two potential Christmas presents early:
    (lovin' it something fierce!)


    Would love to have this:

    or this:

    But since my budget nowadays says "oh hells to the naw", I'll probably have to settle for this:

    It's the 3-CD box set of Howard Jones's first two albums, being released soon on his Dtox label. Warner/Elektra gave Howard and his keyboard tech Robbie Bronnimann access to the original master tapes, and they've digitally remastered the albums with reportedly much better sound quality than the original CD issues. The third bonus disc, named after his rare "Risk" singles, contains live tracks from early performances.

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  • Mainyehc
    Jul 24, 05:24 PM
    The mighty mouse is a great mouse. The only thing I dislike about it is the way the scroll wheel sticks. My wife doesn't like the squeeze buttons on the side, but I think they work great. I guess it's all a matter of preference. If they fix the scrolling wheel problem on the new one's I would definitely buy one. I've found though that cleaning the scroll wheel with rubbing alchohol several times in a row will take care of the sticking problem.

    BEWARE: I use to do this too, and my "press-the-scroll-ball-and-click-the-mouse" 3rd button ceased to work right after one of those cleaning sessions. I don't know if the two events were related, but I tend to believe they were :eek: . I might have used too much alcohol that time, though... :o [*rubbing* alcohol, don't get me wrong :p ]

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  • gkarris
    Jan 30, 07:35 PM
    Interesting, considering there are only 194 recognized countries on Earth. Which planet are the other 6 countries located on?


    1. The Arctic
    2. The Antarctic
    3. Canada
    4. Texas
    5. California
    6.+ The Independent Countries located in the Florida Keys...



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  • minnesotamacman
    Oct 19, 07:55 AM
    As always, the iPod is Apple's real cash cow.

    Too bad for those of us who wish they would divert a little more of their attention to their computer line.

    Did I not see that 58% of the revenue came from the computers? How does this make the iPod the cash cow?

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  • Bubba Satori
    Mar 31, 12:44 PM
    That will look great on the new iSteamPunkMac.


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  • bousozoku
    Jul 21, 08:18 PM
    is this 4.8% for the quarter or 4.8% total market share? if the former, nice, but no big deal; if the latter then very big deal.

    It's 4.8 % total market share for the quarter. ;)

    It's more than it was and so it is a big deal. However, what matters is sustained growth not incidental spikes. If they continue to grow, they will have mind share as well as market share, especially with companies like Sophos telling consumers to buy Macs to keep their information secure.

    Market share is an interesting figure anyway. It doesn't talk about the installed base, only about the very current sales figures.

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  • BC2009
    May 4, 11:51 AM
    OMG....I would NEVER take information as fact from an "ATT customer service agent". I have received so much wrong info or even been dare I say lied to, I would never trust what a random ATT rep said.

    Not to mention, the service reps are so far down the chain of command, they would not have info on when the next iphone is being released.

    Yes, once I called AT&T to get information on my partner discount. I called three times and got three different answers. I called about which data plans could be used with my Treo 680 -- I called three times and got three different answers. The moral of the story is: If you don't like what the AT&T rep says just keep calling back until you get the answer you want.

    pfft, this should not be front page news, hell not even second page... just a bunch of hearsay from a CR that knows nothing about it and speculates BS.

    Certainly not news-worthy. Hardly a credible source.

    A real live AT&T customer care rep! Well that is as official as it gets. Everyone knows that Apple always informs carrier customer care reps of their future plans months in advance...

    Oh Wait. I heard from the Cinnabon guy that the US Government called him and officially informed him that Osama Bin Laden is still alive and being held in a secret chamber below Disney World or Disney Land.

    I heard the same thing about Osama Bin Laden from the guy behind the counter at my corner mini-mart. He just got off the phone with the President when I walked up to the counter. Normally I would not believe him, but he stated it as a matter of fact, so I knew it was true.

    Even if Apple and Google both make money from ads and apps... Apple still gets $600 per phone.

    Apple has the right idea :D

    "Android" can have their marketshare... I don't think it bothers Apple in the least.

    Steve Jobs cares about market share for one reason. He knows that the young Google founders whom he was helping and mentoring stole some of his company's best ideas and are now helping his competitors to take the market share that he intended to consume. It always sucks when somebody steals from you and then uses it against you -- especially when its the folks you consider your partners or allies. I'm sure there is more to the story, but I am pretty sure that's how Steve Jobs views it.

    I do agree, however, that the smartphone market growth we are seeing with Android is primarily made up of folks who are not interested in having a smartphone but are just picking up the best free or ultra-cheap phone. These phones are typically running a generation-old version of the Android OS and the folks who purchase them are really only interested in their phone ringing when a call comes in (i.e.: if they won't pay for a phone, then they won't pay for an app, and therefore are not tied-to the Android ecosystem).

    Also, the PC vs Mac war that Apple has supposedly "lost" has left them being the most profitable PC maker in the world (just counting Mac sales). That's pretty amazing considering they are not #1 on revenue or units sold, but they still make more profit than the folks selling commoditized PCs. Not a bad "consolation prize" for "losing" the PC war. Note that as the PC market is declining, Macs are still showing phenomenal gains.

    Secondly, let's not ignore that Apple is still the mobile OS leader worldwide when you count iPod Touch and iPad. Their current dominance with iPad is overwhelming and those buyers are not getting a free or BOGO offer like the folks picking up Android smartphones. Those folks are going to buy apps and buy-in to the iOS ecosystem.

    Finally, the smartphone market will very likely not play out like the PC market. Greg Cox wrote a very good piece ( on the differences on his blog.

    As a consumer I am both grateful and weary of the competition. Having a dominant Apple would help put pressure on the publishing companies and Hollywood (I hate publishing and movie industry folks trying to get me to pay for the same content over and over again). At the same time competition keeps Apple from doing as much "planned obsolescence". Competition tends to accelerate development in that it gives you somebody to set pace with and hence we probably get one or two extra features out of every iPhone release and iOS update. I don't think competition drives Apple the way it drives others though. Apple tends to have a proactive plan for the future of their devices that they probably make minor deviations from based on competition. Whether their plan is good (iPhone, iPad), lack-luster (MobileMe) or bad (Ping), they tend to stick to it.

    Personally, I wish Microsoft's mobile OS or Web OS was doing better than Android though. I say this because Google does not care about producing a great mobile OS so much as disrupting the market, generating a large footprint, and getting a platform whereby they can deliver ads to users. For Google, Android is a means to an end. MS and HP care more about the quality of the OS experience since the software is their actual product and they are the ones dealing with the customer support issues. Google has a reputation for leaving things unfinished and forgetting about them and not providing direct support.


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  • phineas
    Sep 30, 08:16 PM
    From the local AT&T reps here in town they just do NOT give a crap. There network sucks, and the bigshots get there big fat checks and thats it.

    They will NEVER catch up, heck they don't even have 3G in every place that they have there bars in the advertisements.

    They have the iPhone deal/contract and do not give a dam, money rolls in and goes back out in dribs and drabs.

    Come on Verizon and Apple.

    I like another posters opinion, get a BB on Verizon and an iPod touch. Luckily my contract is over in December.

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  • seanpholman
    Mar 16, 10:41 AM
    Brea had a good number of Verizon models and a few WiFi, but no AT&T. GSM models are obviously being saved for the international launch.

    No GSM at SCP either.



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  • renewed
    Sep 15, 10:55 PM
    Decided to get my one expensive electronic for several months (College student budget)

    How you gunna play the iPad like that? :p

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  • iRobby
    Apr 15, 01:35 PM
    With the update notice officially stating When Lion ships this summer What are the chances the iMac refresh will happen at the same time? or will it be in the Fall instead?


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  • Groves
    Mar 31, 10:42 AM
    Huge drop in productivity.

    Those OCD mac users will be picking at that torn-page remnant all day long.

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  • SmileyBlast!
    Apr 28, 12:30 PM
    This is the important part:

    Apple's iPhone 4 ranked as the top-selling mobile phone in the U.S. during the quarter, and perhaps most surprisingly, the iPhone 3GS took second place in the rankings. Despite essentially being a nearly two-year-old device . . .

    That speaks volumes.

    I noticed that 2 which must mean that Samsung and LG still ship a lot of Feature Phones as well in addition to their Android phones.

    Still, we can surely expect this trend to continue where Smart Phones rise and Feature phones sunset.


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  • !� V �!
    Apr 25, 03:35 PM
    Says the guy who must live in an apartment with the shades drawn, or his parents basement, or some other wonderful computer dungeon.

    I am surrounded by windows, wonderful views, and don't want to close all my blinds and and be in the dark so that I can use my awesome reflective computer monitor. I appreciate that the glass may be wonderful for some, but understand that it is awful for others. The option for a matte screen is logical. Open your mind, respect the views of others, and stop being a tool.

    Take what I say with a grain of salt though, I don't even have half a brain cell.

    Agreed, some people just don't get it. I use to remember the days when PC used to come with glossy screens to promote watching movies and a richer colour experience, and the Mac community used to comment that glossy was terrible (which I agree). Then the iMac started to adopt the glossy screen since watching movies were held more important than actual work and the PC were reverting and mixing matte screens back into they line-up, while Apple started to hesitate and only offered anti-glare as an option for a fee. Makes me sick really, why is there a fee for anti-glare. There was never a fee for glossy when it was being phased in initially. Even the ACD have gone glossy.

    Lucky for me and others in the same boat as Dell offer matte displays, price competitive and a great warranty compared to :apple: glossy marketing junk of screen options. :p

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  • sammich
    Oct 28, 01:06 AM
    Well, I'll hop on the bandwagon. My measly old MBP should be able to cope with it. I'll get my PS3 onto the game as well, just to see how much I can get out of it.

    (far out you guys are well equipped)


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  • kainjow
    Nov 3, 10:10 AM
    This is what will get me switching to VMware vs Parallels, multicore support in virtualization!

    That will work nicely on the Mac Pros. Keep us updated.

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  • Sodner
    Apr 22, 05:31 PM
    As it stands now I will pass on the 5 if it's a 4 shell with an A5 and a 8MP camera. If it's a redesign like this, I'd be all over it.

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  • iamthedudeman
    May 3, 08:50 AM
    Really good to see the update (finally)... but I am disappointed they didn't bring the 24" back :(

    The 27" is too big, and the resolution on the 21.5 is laughable for an upgrade of this magnitude.

    Still, quad core across the range is nice.

    The biggest thing with the 27 is the yellow hue. Fonts. Glossy. And I like to change out my display and own the latest and greatest quite often, say every two years, or every year due to work at home.

    Solution for me was I got a HP brightview 25.5. It is a MVA panel not quite as good viewing angles as the imac 27 IPS but with better black levels, deeper black levels, whiter whites, no yellow hue to speak of. Much better for graphical design work. Brightview technology has me hooked. All the benefits of a glossy and some of the benefits of a matte, less glare than the imac 27.

    I have my 21.5 as a extra display and use the 25.5 as my main display in dual mode. Fantastic setup.

    May 4, 02:38 AM
    My father was planning to get one... oh, well...

    Oct 23, 08:33 AM
    Did you read any of the thread so far?

    You can use Vista Home standalone in a virtualization environment legally.

    This is purely a misinterpretation of the EULA.

    If they didn't understand this on /., they're not going to understand this here, either.

    Apr 26, 03:23 AM
    Add a third option, 24" with a 16:10 ratio and a matte option. Easier on the eyes and more vertical space. The 27" was murder on my eyes and I had to sell mine.

    I love my 27' so much!! I will buy another hopefully next week, even though I don't need it.

    Apr 27, 12:37 PM
    I actually know that many here have shared the same view as mine, that It's painfully obvious she wasn't having a seizure. Must of been a coincidence the seizure happened right at door exit then? Purposely done to avoid being taken outside, where she would of been in severe trouble.

    Nice metric you have there, $some people on the internet have said it, thus it must be true.


    Apr 14, 03:01 PM
    Things seem to be smoother with my VZ iPhone 4 opening and closing programs. I always though my iPTouch 4G was snappier than my VZ iPhone but I think they are on par with each other now. This probably has nothing to do with it, but I just did a speedtest and I have yet to ever hit those numbers until now. I was averaging anywhere from 650-1200kbps and sometimes 1500kbps on rare occasions.

    (Picture will resize if it is huge. I apologize. It just takes a little bit of time for Photobucket to catch up.)

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