Huwebes, Mayo 26, 2011

arnold schwarzenegger now 2011

arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. arnold schwarzenegger now fat.
  • arnold schwarzenegger now fat.

  • ansabakhan
    Apr 13, 07:58 PM
    at&t ?, Verizon ? or both?

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. Arnold Schwarzenegger
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger

  • ChrisAlexander
    Apr 14, 08:08 AM
    FiINALLY an app that will work on my ix.Mac.MarketingName :apple:

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. arnold schwarzenegger now
  • arnold schwarzenegger now

  • gr8tfly
    Jan 26, 01:30 AM
    I've lost a bit. :( actually quite a lot. I bought at around 170ish a while ago in prepare for the surge of macworld like last year but am at a bit of a loss right now. I think my avatar shows my recent mood.

    I wouldn't worry. Just sit back and wait a bit. It'll be back. I have some I bought at 26 (pre-split) and some I bought around iDay (146). Not too worried, but I'm in for long haul anyway.

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. Arnold  then and now.
  • Arnold then and now.

  • Demoman
    Jul 10, 12:15 PM
    At $79 a year it will probably be 5 years before the program moves to a commonly useful level where it may have the ability to replace MS Office. The very casual Word Processor user will not have to wait very long, maybe Pages 3 or Pages 4. With the 5 X $79 = $395 we move into the price range of the non-educational price of MS Office. But for the heavy Office user, 5 years may not be long enough.

    Apple would used to calculate the Real Total Cost of Ownership for Macs. They would include after purchase service & support costs. We need to do the same for iWork. iWork is not a simple $79 program useless you wait for the version you want, purchase it & then add no updates that have a purchase price. If you want a slimmed down program purchase now, but have few features to give few benefits. If you want a more complete program just wait for the 5th or 6th upgrade. But this way you have no program to use for another 2 1/2 to 3 1/2 years. Anything else requires multiplying the $79 by by a 2, 4, 5 or even larger number to get the true cost of iWork.

    Bill the TaxMan

    I use pages exclusively as do all of the workers who are testing Apple at my business. After a short learning curve, everyone likes it and it is more than capable right now. You are really coming off as an Apple ball-buster. All I read from you is negative Apple. Are you collecting your checks from Redmond???


    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. arnold schwarzenegger now and
  • arnold schwarzenegger now and

  • photo-video
    Jul 21, 12:05 PM
    It's been a strong position of mine for over 1.5 years that Apple's market share was to rise significantly. Data in now demonstrates that the position I've have held is valid.

    I expect to see a large spike in Apple's market share over the next few years and by the time we see the successor to Leopard, Apple will have 8% market share. I made that prediction earlier this year.

    You can say you made the 8% prediction, but why don't you back it up with some proof? I can say that I predicted Apple would release software to dual boot an Intel Mac but without proof who would believe me?

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. arnold schwarzenegger now.
  • arnold schwarzenegger now.

  • DaBlackMamba
    Mar 15, 01:42 AM
    I am going to head out to mine at around 8 AM when the mall opens and the apple store is opening 1 hour early so at 9 AM hopefully I can grab my 16GB 3G ATT.

    Even though ATT reception sucks in some places around OC, I don't use the 3G too much so it's better for the money and the free month.


    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. arnold schwarzenegger now fat.
  • arnold schwarzenegger now fat.

  • Macnoviz
    Jul 12, 03:37 AM
    I think Apple has most to fear from M$ in the price battle, an iPod copy that costs significantly less would probably catch on pretty fast, of course, the popularity of the iPod brand is still larger than XBox.
    Although I doubt that the design will be quite as dull as that picture
    I'm thinking it will be more organic, like the XBox 360, with some curved shapes maybe.

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. arnold schwarzenegger now and
  • arnold schwarzenegger now and

  • GQB
    Apr 22, 07:50 PM
    My favorite iPhone design was the first one. Bring back the aluminum and rounded sides. It's not comfortable to hold this iPhone 4 brick!

    It's just a matter of what you're used to. I love my IP4, and my wife's 3GS feels clunky to me. Cognitive dissonance says you'll end up defending whatever you have and resist changes. Just human nature, not good/bad design.


    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. arnold schwarzenegger now and
  • arnold schwarzenegger now and

  • marksman
    Apr 22, 11:24 AM
    Translation: Apple's new iPhone, code named Anorexia, couldn't possibly hold 2 chips! We aim to make a phone so thin, a postage stamp would add bulk.

    Yeah while Apple realizes people want their mobile smartphone to be small and portable as that is a key part of the puzzle the rest of the industry is trying to duplicate this:

    with a touch screen.

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. arnold schwarzenegger now fat.
  • arnold schwarzenegger now fat.

  • Alvi
    Apr 14, 07:43 AM
    Apple TV or iPod Nano


    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. arnold schwarzenegger now
  • arnold schwarzenegger now

  • tristangage
    Apr 8, 10:55 AM (
    mysterious tennis ball ( by tristangage (, on Flickr

    Camera Canon EOS 500D
    Exposure 30
    Aperture f/4.5
    Focal Length 105 mm
    ISO Speed 200

    I sit in my garden late at night and take photographs in the dark. :cool:

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. arnold schwarzenegger now
  • arnold schwarzenegger now

  • Scarlet Fever
    Oct 23, 07:57 AM
    As if that's going to stop people. Most people don't even know about these usage restrictions.There are usage restrictions? :rolleyes: joking...

    seriously, since when have people done as M$ tell you to do? Don't something like 35% of Windows-based computers run illegal copies of the OS?


    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. *By now everyone has heard
  • *By now everyone has heard

  • j0417
    Apr 22, 05:28 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_7 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8E303 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I think it makes sense that so many different sources have different ideas. After the iphone4 leak I could see Apple purposely leaking false info to keep the hype up until september and prevent a real leak. Any thoughts on that?

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. arnold schwarzenegger now body
  • arnold schwarzenegger now body

  • quigleybc
    Aug 15, 04:23 PM
    Still... meh.

    I agree,

    Can't wait to spend $130.00 for those features !! :rolleyes:

    too bad I totally will.....:o


    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. arnold schwarzenegger 2011
  • arnold schwarzenegger 2011

  • MacProCpo
    Nov 27, 05:52 PM
    Thanks guys! I think I got it working. My WU size went from 4mb to 28mb:)

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. Arnold Schwarzenegger at
  • Arnold Schwarzenegger at

  • nagromme
    Aug 15, 02:51 PM
    One thing im not too keen on is the Safari loading icon. I think the loading bar in Tiger is much easier to see.

    If you are working in another window you can see the bar shooting along (or not) the Safari window with out looking directly at it. If they keep this new one then you will have to 'actually look at it' to see where its at.

    I'll chime in too agree with everyone on this :) Sites have all different favicons in that spot--so there's no one image to show the page is loaded! Bad place for a progress meter. The big bar was better.

    I want a way to see how much space the trash is taking up before I empty it. Is there a way? There was in OS 9 and OS 8.
    Silly as it seems, you can Select All in the Trash, then Get Info. (Or Cmd-A Cmd-I for short.)


    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. arnold schwarzenegger now
  • arnold schwarzenegger now

  • tjsdaname
    Dec 4, 11:21 AM
    You want a GUN for Christmas?



    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. Schwarzenegger
  • Schwarzenegger

  • Consultant
    Apr 26, 12:07 PM
    Amazon charges its cloud service too. Why should Apple give anything away for free? :rolleyes:

    arnold schwarzenegger now 2011. arnold schwarzenegger now and
  • arnold schwarzenegger now and

  • ten-oak-druid
    Apr 13, 02:14 PM
    This is a false rumor. Absolutely no way will this happen.

    First of all Google failed with their TV.

    Second of all, it is much better to have the components separate. You can more easily pass the audio to a home entertainment system for surround sound. With a component built into the TV, you have cables going back in the other direction to the receiver. If audio and video both take the same path there is less change of them getting out of sync.

    Mar 16, 11:07 AM
    Ample supply of 64 Verizon at SCP for no, but was told by the mall cop that we were not allowed to "loiter" and he told everyone in the back of the line to leave or we would be forced to leave. Real nice.


    Dude the South Coast Plaza security are grade A douchebags. They are definitely on a high horse... I guess a lot of people around that area are.

    Apr 29, 02:55 PM
    Consumers win.

    Jul 24, 10:22 PM
    This is old news, the prototypes where shown last month. They actually use Apples igesture software very cool stuff. If you swipe your finger off the screen to the left it is like reverse, finger swipe off screen to top is volume up, finger slide on left or right side mimics scroll... I can't remeber where i saw all the different igestures will have to look. I talked about this about a month ago regarding there new code name"Freedom" let me see if I can find an older link on my ramblings...

    The new Ipod has no buttons, no scroll wheel, no headphone jack, no dock connector. In other words freedom from everything. The most aesthetic piece of technology ever conceived.

    1. Power Supply through SplashPower. Similar to those toothbrushes and razors that charge through there plastics with magnetic fields.(strange they haven't updated there site since September 05...did Apple acquire them?)

    2. Transfer of songs...Wireless USB

    3. Headphone jack...Bluetooth

    4. Navigation...virtual touchless/touch screen. As your finger moves over the ipods screen a virtual scrolling interface pops up allowing for more screen real-estate. fingerprints?? not to worry you don't actually have to touch the screen, embedded in/behind the lcd are capacitors that can tell, which direction your fingers are going. Igesture software will be used to give commands(Apple needed to add another way to input besides pop up scroll wheel... need some sort of tactile or directional point to start from... otherwise on a completely blank screen, which end is up??) I guess this way you can still activate and use the device while it is in your pocket, and even a blind individual could use igestures.

    5. Hold Button/Power On fingerprint screen identification(great for if your ipod is stolen)

    So, there you have it a completely enclosed ipod, so elegant as not to have a single button or port opening or anything but a beautiful screen... Apple will release the in 2006... Freedom... free your self from everything.

    *ipod Nano will still have dock connector for now.

    Jul 25, 11:03 AM
    What if he is?

    And most computer-users use Windows, so maybe we should all switch to Windows? Point is that there ARE lots of people who like to expand their systems. To them, iMac is completely unsuitable, and PowerMac is simply too much (too much space, too much technology, too much money, you name it). There have been LOTS of people saying that they would love to see a relatively inexpensive Mac that is expandable. iMac is not that. Neither is PowerMac.

    What happens if the screen in the iMac breaks down? The whole computer becomes useless. What if you need faster vid-card? you have to buy a new computer. All-in-one has it's benefits, but it has it's drawbacks, and there are lots of people who do not want those drawbacks. Yes, minitower (for example) has it's drawbacks as well, but there are lots of people who would be willing to accept those drawback for the benefits such a system offers.

    Well good for you. How that helps ME is beyond me.

    Are we using somekind of miniature-desks or something? I have a rather typical desk, and it currently has a Mac Mini, a TFT-screen, old, huge printer that does not work, and it still has plenty of space for mouse, keyboard and other items. And that "small metallic box" means that your iMac loses that all-in-one elegance it now has.

    Some of us would be willing to accept that. A minitower would consume about as much desk-space as two Mac Mini's. That's more than reasonable IMO.

    2 Mac Mini should still be very small.. but i would love to see a Cube sized Mac agian..maybe this time it would sell.

    Apr 15, 12:52 PM
    It came out yesterday. Not a couple of hours ago. I stream Sirius radio on the weekdays at work and I notice a difference in the battery usage.

    yeah, but your post was still less than 24 hours since release, and unless you got it the second it came out, probably much less than that for you. Just saying give it time.

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