Linggo, Hunyo 5, 2011

smiley face with dollar sign eyes

smiley face with dollar sign eyes. cartoon dollar sign eyes.
  • cartoon dollar sign eyes.

  • poppe
    Jul 26, 07:28 PM
    Man you need EyeTV2 with an EyeTV 500 Digital Broadcast reccorder. You don't need no stinkin HDMI and it plays beautiful 1080p on any 24" Apple or Dell Display from your 1.25GHz G4 without choking at all.

    Ooo that sounds nice... have to look in to that...

    smiley face with dollar sign eyes. green dollar sign icon. zib
  • green dollar sign icon. zib

  • dethmaShine
    May 1, 08:09 AM

    Image (

    My preview in PathFinder shows the text but is still jumbled up. How did you show the converted binary file there?

    smiley face with dollar sign eyes. dollar sign eyes. dollar sign
  • dollar sign eyes. dollar sign

  • GeekLawyer
    May 2, 03:55 PM
    I suppose I should point out, as is inevitable, that gay men are barred from giving blood, at least in the United States.

    So, while I can't participate, my best wishes to those who can. Thank you for your sacrifice!

    smiley face with dollar sign eyes. dollar sign eyes. cartoon
  • dollar sign eyes. cartoon

  • bigrobb
    Oct 10, 10:06 PM
    here is my bootcamp one


    smiley face with dollar sign eyes. dollar sign eyes. of a dollar sign holding; of a dollar sign holding. MrNomNoms. Apr 21, 06:16 PM. Wondering why Android users are on a Mac forum?
  • dollar sign eyes. of a dollar sign holding; of a dollar sign holding. MrNomNoms. Apr 21, 06:16 PM. Wondering why Android users are on a Mac forum?

  • DrDomVonDoom
    Apr 27, 07:15 PM
    What DOESN'T scare me, is the tracking. What scares me is that picture of the three, it looks like Jobs is staring into my soul....

    smiley face with dollar sign eyes. cartoon dollar sign eyes.
  • cartoon dollar sign eyes.

  • tigres
    Apr 7, 03:40 PM
    Hey, Apple!!!

    Can you PLEASE include separate email signatures for separate email boxes?!?!?


    Might want to check the signature app in the store. I've had it for over a year, you can choose up to 6 signatures. Use to be called signature pro, but my app says just Signature.



    smiley face with dollar sign eyes. dollar sign eyes. the dollar sign in one eye; the dollar sign in one eye. mediasorcerer. Mar 31, 10:41 PM. Whether they#39;re right to start regulating or
  • dollar sign eyes. the dollar sign in one eye; the dollar sign in one eye. mediasorcerer. Mar 31, 10:41 PM. Whether they#39;re right to start regulating or

  • iStudentUK
    Jan 10, 03:45 AM
    In the UK, you are contracted to the retailer you bought it from. They are responsible for the product for six years. We have good laws in place to protect the consumer. I find it hard to understand why people never use their rights under laws such as the Sales of Goods Act.

    A warranty is an insurance policy. Apple Care in the UK is not a policy from Apple, but a third party insurance company that they are contracted with. Can't remember the name of the company.

    Apple are pretty good at repairing out of guarantee/Apple Care products, even when these times have lapsed. Had a power supply and logic board in my 4 year old iMac replaced for free. Sales of Goods Act is your best friend. :)

    Whilst I always love to see people using the Sale of Goods Act to get what they deserve, can I make one small correction to avoid confusion?

    The SOGA can offer protection for up to 6 years, but not automatically. The goods should be of "satisfactory quality" and this does not mean everything should last 6 years. The question the judge asks is- how long would the 'reasonable man' expect this item to last? For an iPad easily 2 years (Apple offer Applecare that long) maybe 3 if you are lucky. I don't think an iPad should be expected to last 6 years though.

    Remember almost everything you buy is subject to SOGA, and I can't ask my local stationers to replace my black biro after 5 years if it stops working!

    smiley face with dollar sign eyes. With Dollar Symbol Eyes by
  • With Dollar Symbol Eyes by

  • rxse7en
    Jul 26, 06:56 PM
    I hope this means we will see HDMI out on the next MacBook Pros. I really want to be able to use my soon-to-be-had MacBook Pro Core2Duo as a media center too. With that said, here's to hoping the new MBPs have HDMI and the ability to output Dolby PLII and at least 1080i. My current 1.25ghz G4 book chokes on 720p so I never hook it up to my plasma HDTV.


    I'm still not convinced that Blu Ray is going to beat out HD-DVD.


    smiley face with dollar sign eyes. dollar sign eyes. dollar sign
  • dollar sign eyes. dollar sign

  • altecXP
    May 5, 10:20 AM
    THink I figured it out. It seems to do with the order of how I put it to sleep/disconect cables.

    If I booted it with the mouse/keyboard and external display, then disconnected the mouse, then keyboard, then external display it works just fine.

    Really weird.

    smiley face with dollar sign eyes. dollar sign eyes. cartoon
  • dollar sign eyes. cartoon

  • Melrose
    Dec 4, 07:17 AM
    Mine.. well, for like a few more days:

    snatched it from here (

    girl, girls...

    omg that's so hot. ...what the hell is it? :confused:


    smiley face with dollar sign eyes. smiley face with dollar sign
  • smiley face with dollar sign

  • leekohler
    Apr 15, 07:50 AM
    People didn't seem to care about the "gay plague" because it only affected gays. People cared about Ryan White and the Ray brothers, they didn't care about iniquitous obnoxious gays and lesbians.

    Wow...just wow. So now you claim to speak for all of society back then? Unbelievable. And please, don't hold back on your feeling regarding us. You keep exposing yourself for what you truly are.

    So then they had sex with the person of opposite gender, they adopted or test tube baby.

    So what? What is your point?

    I have no interest in destroying you, I have no interest in harming you. You imply I want to physically hurt homosexuals, but I do not.

    Political harm to me is violence. Do cannot deny that you wish to withhold rights from us.

    As with anything in history, there's a right balance and a need for both violence and diplomacy together in order for one group to obtain favorable circumstances...or simply dominate another group. The truth is that humans don't "live in peace". Our whole existance is actually due to the fact that we kill eachother. Otherwise, we would just be like any other lower animal.

    Sad, but true. Diplomacy should always be the first approach. But it doesn't always work. I've found out the hard way, believe me.

    smiley face with dollar sign eyes. cartoon dollar sign eyes.
  • cartoon dollar sign eyes.

  • Designer Dale
    Apr 7, 04:12 PM
    A few guitar themes.

    Link for the original Taylor Acoustic Guitar (



    smiley face with dollar sign eyes. cartoon dollar sign eyes. with
  • cartoon dollar sign eyes. with

  • MacBandit
    Nov 10, 01:51 PM
    Interesting! So under your description Macromedia Studio/Adobe CS are free apps as well ;)

    For one month. If you were a profesional you could potentially make enough money with the Adobe 30 day trials to pay for the full programs.

    Whether or not you can be productive with it even with the limited time. Now if the program can be ran but you could not save what you produced out of it then it would not be free.

    smiley face with dollar sign eyes. cartoon dollar sign eyes.
  • cartoon dollar sign eyes.

  • mcrain
    Mar 2, 04:27 PM
    I agree.

    Me too.


    smiley face with dollar sign eyes. cartoon dollar sign eyes.
  • cartoon dollar sign eyes.

  • cowbellallen
    Feb 7, 06:20 PM
    I used to have a program on my Mac that would let me play an audio file and it would let me highlight a moment of time and tell me what note is being played. This was really handy for figuring out bass notes that are too difficult for me to normally here.

    Does anyone know of a software like this?

    smiley face with dollar sign eyes. cartoon dollar sign eyes.
  • cartoon dollar sign eyes.

  • skorpien
    Apr 25, 10:59 AM
    You can connect an external USB HDD to the Time Capsule and use that for new backups. This keeps the backups currently on the TC intact and allows room for expansion.


    smiley face with dollar sign eyes. dollar sign images.
  • dollar sign images.

  • jrko
    Apr 26, 04:13 PM
    Top left corner of GPU looks burnt to me. Maybe it's bad picture quality, but if it's burnt really (what makes it DOA), it may explain why thermal paste is baked on.

    yeah it is baked and burnt but seller say its tested as working

    smiley face with dollar sign eyes. cartoon dollar sign eyes. free
  • cartoon dollar sign eyes. free

  • digitalnicotine
    Jun 23, 03:39 PM
    Check out ( They have great prices, and reliability, but be sure to check their return policy before purchasing as it may vary (depending on whether item is OEM, bulk, or retail).

    smiley face with dollar sign eyes. dollar sign eyes. dollar sign
  • dollar sign eyes. dollar sign

  • Apple OC
    Mar 28, 02:37 PM
    LOL it amazes me how little you guys know about the law. Please report me to the authorities, there is absolutely nothing they can do legally. I even discussed it with my professor who monitored my bar and he got a kick out of it as well haha.

    So please, humor me that I'm not a real law student and don't know what I'm talking about. Sorry Apple geeks your area of expertise obviously isn't the political discourse of America. :P

    Try my other theories too, like entering my home, etc. Seriously, just humor me. (more so than I already am) LOL

    <3 little idiots <3

    Yo Killer ... are you still here? ... go wait for the knock on your door ... or better, watch for the Black SUV.

    You are so full of it ... no professor would advise you on the mess you are digging yourself into.

    Dec 3, 09:02 AM
    Here's mine:

    Found it on

    Apr 17, 10:27 PM
    Try to see if there discussion helps:
    They have the same issue you came accross.

    Apr 6, 01:36 PM
    So you can get a 1TB hard drive for $80.... 12,000 of those.... not that big of an expenditure tbf.Go price out 12PB from Isilon and see how much it costs. It ain't $80 a TB.

    Blue Velvet
    Feb 14, 01:57 PM
    ...when do you say anything nice about anything other than yourself?

    It had to be said...


    Apr 7, 12:36 PM
    Bristol Fighter, yaeh!

    You can have it up to 1000 bhp and still take it down the shops. If I can get one before middle age it'll be in orange, otherwise I'll have it in grey (a la Porsche Sport Classic)

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