Lunes, Hunyo 6, 2011

funny pictures of people

funny pictures of people. judd apatow : funny people
  • judd apatow : funny people

  • nmrrjw66
    Jun 11, 12:55 PM
    I just DL'd the demo for Earth Worm Jim and it is awesome. I just wanted to give people a heads up that this was released in case anyone loved this game years ago. It has 4 player co-op but I'm not sure how it works.

    funny pictures of people. Funny People Of Walmart. funny
  • Funny People Of Walmart. funny

  • Mitthrawnuruodo
    Mar 29, 08:33 AM
    Just the last week:

    funny pictures of people. Funny People
  • Funny People

  • Hilmi Hamidi
    Dec 9, 03:46 PM
    A link to the original please :)

    Sure, here you go.

    funny pictures of people. Funny People Of Walmart. funny
  • Funny People Of Walmart. funny

  • iztech
    May 4, 06:13 PM
    I tried flashing a 5770 via usb dos boot, message was fine. but on reboot, black screen.

    So I flashed back with the original rom using an nvidia gfx to boot in - still black screen

    this is what i used - atiflash -fa -fm -fs -fp -p 0 original.rom

    Any suggestions on getting my card back or is it bricked?


    funny pictures of people. funny people quotes. very
  • funny people quotes. very

  • leekohler
    Apr 27, 09:24 PM
    The male having a bruised ego because a lesbian isn't interested in him is just as cliche as the man-hating lesbian. I was being a bit sarcastic.

    You should see the bruised ego when a gay man tells a straight man he's not attracted to him. Trust me, that one stings. For some reason, straight guys think we all think they're hot or something.

    Straight boys, most of you stop being hot after 25-30, when you're married and you beer bellies have taken over, and instead of playing sports, all you do is watch them on TV (which, even if you continue to play, is about the time we start kicking your asses) :). Why would you think we would find that attractive? Most of you have nothing to worry about.

    funny pictures of people. eminem funny people.
  • eminem funny people.

  • hayesk
    Apr 4, 11:23 AM
    You are obviously missing the point. Apple's new subscription model is preventing choice from coming to it's customers. How is that not a bad thing?

    What are you talking about? It's enabling choice. Customers have a choice to send their personal data to FT. Before, they did not. What choice is Apple taking away from customers?

    Apple says: "give choice to customers."
    FT says: "no choice for customers."

    And you have the nerve to call people Apple fanboys. That term should nullify your point right then and there.


    funny pictures of people. #39;Funny People#39; Premiere
  • #39;Funny People#39; Premiere

  • Grade
    Dec 10, 07:20 PM

    How'd you do the dock like that? I've never messed with my icons or dock before but I like how nice and clean that looks.

    Never mind the dock. The chick is hot. Who is she?

    funny pictures of people. Funny People stars Adam
  • Funny People stars Adam

  • RiskyMr
    Jan 8, 12:09 AM
    I downloaded the Windows XP/Vista/7/2003/2008 Console client version #6.23.

    It didn't recognize the -bigadv option, but the client I have has a -advmethod option. Also, when using the -smp option I get an error message saying that "mpiexec is not recognized".

    I'll run a few more using a single core each and try to make some sense of this in the morning. (And it's all for a good cause, right...) :) :)


    funny pictures of people. Funny People
  • Funny People

  • ccamelot
    Apr 10, 03:54 PM

    check out this thread (, there's a link to an example.

    hope it helps

    funny pictures of people. funny-people
  • funny-people

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 15, 05:22 PM
    I wonder if there will be a critical point where enough states get rid of it so the rest follow?

    I don't think so, at least not in the forseeable future. Some states will probably keep the death penalty for many, many years. Also, the federal government still uses the death penalty in certain cases, though only three people have been excecuted by the federal government since the '60s. The US military also have captial punisment on the books, though again they have not executed anyone for over 40 years.

    It's interesting to note that Michigan is the only state that constitutionally forbids the death penalty - all other death penalty bans are statutory.


    funny pictures of people. Funny People, a nova comédia
  • Funny People, a nova comédia

  • EricNau
    Sep 26, 10:40 PM
    Give me something AOL and Google don't.

    AOL just announced something that allows you to back up 5GB of data. .Mac gives you 1 GB. AOL is free, .Mac costs $99. I understand there are other features, but AOL has most of them too. It's not worth the $$ until some major improvements happen.

    Plus, I believe AOL offers unlimited email storage (in addition to the 5GB of backup space).

    ...I'm starting to forget why I ever gave Apple that $100.

    funny pictures of people. imdb funny people.
  • imdb funny people.

  • Hellhammer
    May 7, 03:19 AM
    Mac Pros don't have the NF200 chip or SBIOS required for SLI. It might work via hack (


    funny pictures of people. funny people smokingfunny
  • funny people smokingfunny

  • gnomeisland
    Apr 4, 12:12 PM
    this is why carrier competition is important. The t-mobile deal needs to be struck down by regulators.


    funny pictures of people. Funny People
  • Funny People

  • wickedG35
    Jan 18, 01:26 PM
    Hey Guys,

    Looking for an iPhone with firmware 1.1.2 on it. Anyone have one for sale?



    funny pictures of people. Pictures#39; quot;Funny People
  • Pictures#39; quot;Funny People

  • Rodimus Prime
    Apr 28, 07:47 PM
    So Samsung believed Apple was violating it's patents all this time but decided to do nothing about it. Now that they have been pushed they decide to act. Sounds to me they are trying to find whatever they can to bite back at Apple.

    it is more company like Samgsung have huge patent porfolios that they never really use unless they get sued and that is when they go looking threw it and saw Hmm "Apple is suing me what can I nail them on" Apple is currently starting to piss people off so they are going to start going threw their patents and hitting back.

    funny pictures of people. FUNNY PEOPLE - No, you really
  • FUNNY PEOPLE - No, you really

  • SilentPanda
    Jun 14, 05:35 PM
    Has anybody heard about an OS X Intel Folding client? All I see are the PPC ones on Stanfords web site...


    funny pictures of people. Judd Apatow#39;s #39;Funny People#39;
  • Judd Apatow#39;s #39;Funny People#39;

  • kilowattradio
    Aug 31, 05:17 AM

    An Apple customer left their baby in a car while they shopped. iPhone users notified the PD.

    funny pictures of people. Restricted “Funny People”
  • Restricted “Funny People”

  • marksman
    Apr 21, 04:45 AM
    This is an illogical comparison and does not give us any real information to go on.


    They are comparing iOS Devices.

    I don't think RIM and all the rest should be compared to iPad and iPod touch devices.

    This is playing with the numbers.


    Then Android numbers should be disallowed from any discussion, because the fact that 200 devices made by 25 different companies containing 10 different versions of Android are not the same thing or related in any relative way. Android phones from the same manufacturers are barely comparable to each other.

    funny pictures of people. #39;Funny People#39;: Related: Funny
  • #39;Funny People#39;: Related: Funny

  • Doju
    Apr 25, 07:44 AM
    You know, in Keynote, how it sometimes defaults to all capital letters, and even if you use shift, or caps lock, it stays that way for some reason? That's great for aesthetics, but it's keeping that through the slides.

    Is there a way to turn it off? I changed the font to Helvetica and it still does it.

    EDIT: Nevermind. Format > Font > Capitalization > Off

    Oct 16, 12:24 AM

    Even though I believe .mac to be overpriced for the value, after buying a couple of iMacs for my extended family, I decided that it made sense to by a Family Pack license of .mac because the members of my extended family aren't that computer savvy, so making photocasting and sharing files as easy as possible was a priority.

    All the retailers I called had no stock on .mac retail boxes and told me they were on backorder. After placing an order a few days ago via the Apple Store online, the original ship date was estimated 1-3 weeks, but my order now shows an estimated ship date of October 24th.

    I can only hope that this means that the .mac service and retail boxes are going to get released in late October with new functionality. I'm not going to hold my breath, but I can't figure why something as simple as a .mac retail box with an activation code is backordered more than a month since placing my order unless something was afoot.

    I'll secretly wish for Merom MBPs at the same time of course. :D


    The online store is showing 24 hours... hmm...

    Well, it looks like today (10/16) is the last day to save $30 on .Mac when you get a mac.

    Also, Apple updated .Mac in late September last year, so this wouldn't be a bad time to update it (include this enhancement, along with others).


    Sep 30, 09:15 PM
    Yes ppl still use Notes.
    > for the price its cheaper than MS Exchange. And isnt limited to 50K accounts (for email that is. Without additions/packs).

    Sametime 7.5 just went GOLD+ for the past few weeks. Its interface looks pretty good and the ability to keep the history in a chat for INDIVIDUAL ppl that participated - for a limited time pre set by the user, or indefinately. But its STILL buggy, crashing on end on multiple machines (WinXP SP2) without a cause; that we can figure out.

    BTW; I work at IBM here in Toronto for their client BNSF.

    This should be interesting to see how Apple rolls with this announcement.

    Feb 20, 02:34 PM
    here is mine


    Nov 11, 08:53 AM
    I want to know how to make an odbc connection using php code

    Please send suggestions


    Apr 7, 09:08 PM
    it better be for CDMA to... no excuse for them to be behind on updates for it. You release a product you better be able to support it especially apple.:apple::apple:

    LOL. And you probably thought Steve was not at the announcement because he was not feeling well. ;)

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