Miyerkules, Hunyo 1, 2011

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  • iJohnHenry
    Apr 17, 09:44 AM
    [or we could be monsters and kill old people.

    Soylent Cocoa, now there's a thought, if we kill old Blacks first. :rolleyes:

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  • Emo Boys Kissing by ~Scheissse

  • robbieduncan
    Apr 19, 04:51 AM
    I imagine it's linked to the spy not working (and the attachments server being funky)...

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  • emo boys kissing on bed

  • Wooster
    Jan 9, 07:08 PM
    Nothig significant for the computer users.
    No new monitors. No HD screens for MBPs. No new software or announcement.


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  • world kissing under every

  • hayesk
    Mar 31, 09:11 PM
    Wow, all the tablet haters here continue to live in the past and nothing will change?

    All of these complaints can be rectified:

    - A company has already demoed a pressure sensitive iPad stylus, but can't release it due to it using hidden APIs. In other words, it's possible.

    - Colour correction is trivial to add. I wouldn't be surprised to see it in a future version of iOS

    - No you can't process 30MB RAW files on an iPad 2, but why not an iPad 5?

    You haters sound awfully threatened that someone's going to take your Mac away. You also seem to think the APIs and specs of iPads are locked now forever.

    For people stuck in the past, I would think you'd have notice that the current iPad has specs exceeding Macs of just ten years ago. Funny how there have been people doing professional work with Macs more than ten years ago. Did amnesia set in since then? Are you all too old and your memory is going?

    There's nothing described in this thread that I can't see happening with a tablet. Combine this with the fact that lots of people want to work in various places where even a laptop is cumbersome, and it's pretty easy to see that pros will embrace the iPad. It's coming people; accept it or get left behind.


    emo boys kissing gif. and here is us kissing yeah
  • and here is us kissing yeah

  • quagmire
    Dec 3, 04:06 PM

    emo boys kissing gif. See more emo boys kissing
  • See more emo boys kissing

  • Popeye206
    Apr 7, 09:09 AM
    Except that I don't jailbreak my iPad. :p I do however work in an electronics repair shop, and we do jailbreaking/unlocking for customers sometimes. Apple is beating down the jailbreak community pretty well recently. It's a pain for me because it means lots of customers coming in complaining that their jailbreak/unlock is gone. ;)

    I can see your pain. :)

    But I would assume you also warn your customers about what they are doing don't you? It should be a known risk.


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  • emo boys kissing / Emo

  • LethalWolfe
    Nov 11, 09:49 PM
    Is there a reason why so many use Avid over FCP?
    There are a number of reasons ranging from they have no compelling reason to switch away from the tool they are most comfortable with to their workflow requires things that Avid does better than FCP to they've already invested a lot of money in an Avid workflow. Off the top of my head I'd give Avid the nod for things like better multi-user environment, better shared storage solution, better media management, better multi-camera editing, better format support (AMA), better handling of mixed media timelines, and, for lack of a better term, a more refined product in terms of solely editing.

    Does that mean Avid is perfect? No, far from it. Does that mean FCP is horrible in the categories I mentioned, no not necessarily (although FCP is really lacking in multi-user environments). A big reason FCP became so popular though is because it could do the majority of what Avid could do for much, much less (like $60,000 or more less back in the day). Obviously the price difference is much less now (I think Media Composer software goes for $2000 or $2500) but for many of FCP's core users that's still a huge difference.


    emo boys kissing gif. EMO BOYS KISSING (part 6) I
  • EMO BOYS KISSING (part 6) I

  • DerfBWH
    Nov 26, 11:22 AM
    This has been available for months now - I nearly purchased one around September. Crazy that people are just realizing this.


    emo boys kissing gif. Emo boys kissing
  • Emo boys kissing

  • irun5k
    Sep 27, 01:58 AM
    My $10 a month ($120 a year) web hosting account has 170 (thats right, 170!) gig of storage, something like hundreds of email accounts, php, ssh access, mysql, more, more and more.

    True, it doesn't do all the fancy stuff that .mac does with sync'ing and so forth. But that isn't my point. My point is that we should expect more, much more for $100 a year because web hosting providers are able to make a profit by offering much more. If the users demand it Apple will come around. But not if people keep paying for the service as-is. So they upgraded the webmail client- great. The eagle really took a ***** today didn't it?

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  • Emo Love Drawings Step By Step

  • SchneiderMan
    Feb 16, 04:17 AM
    Wow, really? Thank goodness the majority of men are not this douchey.

    Not being douchey. I'm talking about models. You're a model for a reason no?


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  • Hot Emo Guys Kissing

  • iLikeMyiMac
    Aug 14, 07:57 PM
    Cool what did you use to make it?

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  • hot emo guys kissing

  • LimeiBook86
    Dec 14, 05:40 PM
    I like it! Goodbye PowerPC, hello Intel! :D


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  • Emo Guys Kissing Myspace

  • rans0m00
    Feb 10, 01:06 AM
    Just changed mine over. Ty Verizon iPhone for reducing my monthly minute usage. Wish the competition had come sooner.

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  • Emo Man Emo Kid Emo Boy Orkut

  • RED�
    Oct 9, 03:07 PM
    Just try the link posted above and you'll be lucky :)


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  • emo girl kissing emo boy

  • hmilas
    Dec 12, 09:39 PM
    Ad plays silently but when moused over the audio blasts out at a loud level, well the volume did happen to be set at 11... highly obtrusive.
    Ad URL is: http://www.dishwasherhk.com/

    emo boys kissing gif. Emo Boys Kissing Emo Boys. emo
  • Emo Boys Kissing Emo Boys. emo

  • FixYouriTunes
    Mar 23, 11:40 AM
    That's a strange mystery as I've never heard of anything like that. Did you call Apple Care? I think that's your best bet. They should be able to help out with a strange mystery like that.


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  • emo boys kissing pictures.

  • Bawstun
    Apr 28, 06:32 PM
    I have Dragon Dictation, and I love it...but you have to open the app each time, then tap more buttons on the screen to insert it into a text message, a twitter update, etc.

    Has anyone come up with a jailbreak extensions that adds the functionality of Dragon Dictation natively to SMS, email etc?

    The one thing I miss from my old Android phone.

    emo boys kissing gif. emo boys kissing
  • emo boys kissing

  • Gen3tix
    Oct 19, 12:22 AM
    Anyone going to the Apple Store in Freehold Raceway Mall?

    I should be able to get there around 3-4 if I choose to go to Freehold over Menlo Park, since both are only 20 minutes from me.

    emo boys kissing gif. hot guys kissing
  • hot guys kissing

  • FF_productions
    Jun 24, 09:30 PM
    I'm looking for a G4... it has gotta be over 1.25 ghz for consideration along with a pinch of applecare to go along with it. 15/17 inchers will be considered.

    I'm looking for a compliment to the Mac Pro.

    Throw me an offer.

    Apr 4, 11:26 AM
    Stop confusing the issue with facts and evidence. ;)


    Mar 25, 02:32 PM
    Google don't map the world either - they do the street map images, but if you look at Google Maps you'll see that the actual roads data comes from either Tele Atlas or Navteq. Those two companies sell their map sets to all the sat-nav companies too.

    No need. Apple would just license the map data from either Navteq or Tele Atlas. The map data that Google uses at present is TeleAtlas (Especially for Europe).

    Is this well-veiled sarcasm? If not, you guys are ridiculous.

    1) Google does not own the mapping database they use
    2) Even if they did, there are multiple geographic/mapping data providers
    3) None of them obtained their data by having employees drive around in vehicles... That's an absurd suggestion

    In the U.S., Google does own the map data (http://www.gpsreview.net/google-drops-tele-atlas/). For further confirmation, note that it says "Map data �2011 Google" in the footer when viewing U.S. maps, and says nothing whatsoever about TeleAtlas or Navteq (this is not the case for some other countries). They made this change back around October around the same time that the very first Google Maps Navigation app for Android was released.

    Also, driving around (http://news.cnet.com/8301-17938_105-9809094-1.html?tag=mncol;title) to collect map data is absurd?

    Let's say I'm driving in my car through a city. Every 20 yards a huge window pops up blocking the view onto whatever I do (mostly Google Maps because I try to find my way) just to tell me there are 5 new Wifi Hotspots in my vivcinity and I have to close it while I'm driving. This is the reason why I have to constantly go to Settings/Wifi/Off and then switch Wifi on again later.

    I agree with you that the current iOS notifications system is terrible. But you do know you can keep Wi-Fi on and just turn off "Ask to Join Networks", right?

    Oct 31, 10:19 AM
    Nano sales are definitely going to take a hit, and maybe that is why Apple has been delaying the launch of the Shuffle! :rolleyes:

    Nov 11, 10:22 AM
    It's coming out the same day as the white iPhone ;)

    Mar 4, 10:47 AM
    Regarding Health Care:

    Bill Maher New Rule: Not Everything in America Has to Make a Profit (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/bill-maher/new-rule-not-everything-i_b_244050.html) 23July09

    Just how exaggerated is the following?:

    Wow. That article pretty much sums up the way I see it all. Great read.

    My problem with it isn't that businesses and people are in it for a profit (well, in certain areas). Hey, you got to make something. It's that the only thing that matters is the highest profit possible, at all costs.

    If a company has made a profit of $15,000,000, but they were wanting $16,000,000 based on nothing more than their accountant's predictions, they won't settle for that $15m. They will lay off people, make others work longer, and cut salaries and benefits to achieve their "goal". It's no longer about making money...it's about making excessive money for the upper management and pleasing shareholders.

    You see it in the stock market all the time. A company announces that it's profits will fall short of some astronomical assumed figure, and shareholders start selling off the stock because large profits are worse than huge profits.

    While this isn't in the private market, and I'm sure someone (we know who) will find a way to say this is OK, it reminds me of a recent story I read. I think it was Texas Tech or something required all of their faculty to take a pay freeze, yet gave the football coach a half-million dollar a year raise. Not $50k, not $100k...$500k a year added to his already $1.5m a year salary. All while telling teachers there was not enough money to do anything for them. And it wasn't a contracted raise, if I recall, it was a "promise". The very fact that the coach would take that says enough to me. That's pretty sick.

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