Miyerkules, Hunyo 1, 2011

cross and wings tattoo

cross and wings tattoo. Cross With Wings Tattoos.
  • Cross With Wings Tattoos.

  • RedTomato
    Oct 2, 03:30 PM
    I sincerely hope so. I can't even login to my company's iNotes site from my Mac because Macs are not supported (only runs with IE 6.00+).

    slighly off-topic - have you tried Firefox on your Mac with User Agent Switcher?

    Linky (https://addons.mozilla.org/firefox/59/)

    Now returning you to your regular "Notes - hot or not?" flame war.

    cross and wings tattoo. Angel cross tattoo spreading
  • Angel cross tattoo spreading

  • Penfold2711
    Apr 21, 07:07 AM
    ...I can't wait that long!

    2020 Thats the longest beta testing i have ever done in my life :D

    cross and wings tattoo. The Cool Cross Wings Tattoo
  • The Cool Cross Wings Tattoo

  • gnasher729
    Apr 28, 04:25 AM
    There's 2 jailbreak apps for this. One creates a daemon that constantly deletes the location files. Another onewipes out the location history and then does a wipeout of each location currently.

    A lot of people are saying this is no big deal. According to the hacker that found this out, a hacker can hack onto the computer that the backup is located on and find out all of your locations.

    All the people saying, "I don't sell drugs so I have nothing to worry about" or "I have nothing to hide" are probably the same people who voted for homeland security.......and we can all see how good that was...NOT.

    If a hacker can hack into your computer, then the first thing you need to do is not worry about this file in the iPhone backup, but worry about the fact that a hacker can hack into your computer. Get some perspective, man. If someone hacks into your computer, you should first worry about your emails being read. The hacker can go to amazon, type in your user name, "forgot password", they send it to your email address, the hacker reads it, changes the details, and orders a few big TVs on your credit card. Or they get your online banking details and empty your account. Companies have lost hundreds of thousands of dollars that way.

    If a hacker can get your iPhone, or your iPhone backup, then again the first thing you need to worry about is not this file, but all the information that you stored yourself. Again, email. Web history. Address book.

    The "I sell no drugs..." line is a strawman. People don't have to not worry because they are not selling drugs; for example I found by complete accident what Christmas present my wife had bought for me online, which spoilt the surprise for me (I didn't tell her, obviously). So privacy is important for completely legal and positive things like buying Christmas presents.

    The point here is that this file is not something you need to worry about; in the list of things to worry about it is very, very, very far at the end of the list. If you are a drug dealer, there is very little that police could do with this file. Especially since according to what Apple has now said, it would be completely useless as evidence against you. There is a lot that they can learn from your address book, phone numbers, emails, etc., and that is what you should worry about whether you are a drug dealer, or a law obiding citizen.

    So you go with the company that has shown that is will look for any way to make an extra buck.
    I trust Google a hell of a lot more than Apple.

    Google gives out the location of your WiFi router to anyone who knows the MAC address, so if you moved to get away from a stalker, or if you are in witness protection, then you better leave your old router at home. Try this website:


    This is fortunately not something that _I_ have to worry about, but for some people this would be a real risk. The site locates my router within 100m and tells the world about it. It does that with every router, whether you have a phone or not. Apple keeps their database safe from hackers, Google doesn't.

    cross and wings tattoo. Cross with wings tattoo
  • Cross with wings tattoo

  • Hilmi Hamidi
    Oct 7, 09:42 AM
    http://img284.imagevenue.com/loc423/th_60297_Untitled_122_423lo.jpg (http://img284.imagevenue.com/img.php?image=60297_Untitled_122_423lo.jpg)


    cross and wings tattoo. Cross Wings Tattoos, wing
  • Cross Wings Tattoos, wing

  • reubs
    Dec 3, 12:04 AM
    This WP is stretched to fit; I wish I could find an actual 16:10 ratio one for it. Also, anyone know if this guy has a name or the origins of it?

    cross and wings tattoo. Labels: Cross With Wings
  • Labels: Cross With Wings

  • iindigo
    Apr 27, 05:26 PM
    Also for fun - try enabling password for the screensaver and 60 minute idle logout. Then put your laptop to sleep and come back 60 min later only to have hung login window that accepts no input - works that way every time for me.

    Good thing the screensaver password dialog is the login window itself (even the same exact process) in Lion then, huh?


    cross and wings tattoo. Cross Tattoos With Wings On
  • Cross Tattoos With Wings On

  • M2M
    Apr 7, 12:08 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_3_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8G4 Safari/6533.18.5)

    I got a weird bug. Sometimes my albums in the photos app go right to the top of the screen and show underneath the 'menubar' at the top so I can tap on it and open the first album in the list. If I pull it back down on the rubberband effect it still goes to the top of the screen?! I have to restart my phone for it to reset and its still hit and miss whether it works.

    Can confirm that. Have the bug too.

    cross and wings tattoo. Heart with Wings Tattoo by Las
  • Heart with Wings Tattoo by Las

  • AP_piano295
    May 4, 08:48 PM
    ^ well put.



    cross and wings tattoo. cross with wings tattoos.
  • cross with wings tattoos.

  • ZoomZoomZoom
    Sep 26, 08:31 PM
    If he's 18 and you haven't had a good talk with him about each of your perspectives on sex, then you've either done something wrong in those 18 years, or you're a procrastinator. You can only get what you want if he wants what you want. And if he doesn't want to listen to you now, it's too late.

    cross and wings tattoo. tribal cross with wings tattoo
  • tribal cross with wings tattoo

  • macAllen
    Aug 13, 05:00 PM
    Here's the original.


    I'm guessing the poster photoshopped the man on the bike out and thus explains your question. :) By the way, would anyone be able to do the same and re-post this wallpaper? I would appreciate it.

    Sorry guys went away for awhile, yeah theres no vanishing point but I think its awesome how it lines up to the water line... anyways

    Here you go (http://i38.tinypic.com/muisd4.jpg)


    cross and wings tattoo. cross tattoos with wings
  • cross tattoos with wings

    Apr 4, 01:24 PM
    Why should people who just want to read the news be compelled to provide the FT with personal information in order to do so? Why does the FT need to know my name, address, phone number, etc.?

    Because the Financial Times wants it that way. The company offers its content to subscribers under certain conditions, and it is free do so. If the company should not be allowed to do that for the sake of consumer protection, then there should be laws to prohibit such practice. If you personally do not agree with the conditions of the subscription, then you are always free to decide not to subscribe. If it turns out that their decision keeps customers from subscribing, then they might choose to reconsider.

    With regard to subscriptions on iOS, I think that Apple simply goes too far and should leave content providers the freedom to offer their content in their way, based on their subscription models. As the Financial Times has stated, under the current terms of the App Store, subscriptions via iOS do not meet their expectations because they cannot provide the content in the way they would like to.

    On a side note, I wonder whether Apple violates competition rules. When I remember correctly, the iPad had a considerable market share on the tablet market. One could argue that Apple abuses its market position to impose their own (unfair) conditions on publishers.

    cross and wings tattoo. tribal cross amp; wings tattoo
  • tribal cross amp; wings tattoo

  • caspersoong
    Apr 7, 07:26 AM
    I'll just wait until they start selling music and videos in my country.


    cross and wings tattoo. Girl#39;s Cross Tattoo
  • Girl#39;s Cross Tattoo

  • camomac
    Sep 9, 05:52 PM
    i just noticed this, and maybe it has already been addressed, but instead of Quote it now says Reply ? OR am i just going crazy?


    cross and wings tattoo. boog cross and wings tattoo
  • boog cross and wings tattoo

  • Squonk
    Oct 31, 01:22 PM
    Then definitely steer cleer of the 60GB iPod.

    Seriously, wanting a correlation between total song time and single-session battery life is a bit off IMO.

    Everybody WANTS it....but reality says otherwise.

    Agreed!!! I'd say, the max battery life required is the number of waking hours in a day. Of course, that assumes you listen for the entire day including, eating, showers, bathroom time...

    I'd tend to think that 12 hours is enough with a recharge at night. Oooooooooh but what about people who travel or backpack for a long trip without a charging opportunity. Maybe they need more charge time? Does anyone listen to headphones while hiking? I'd want to keep a listen out for bears (Stephen Colbert has set me straight as to the danger of bears!). :D


    cross and wings tattoo. cross tattoos tattoos angel
  • cross tattoos tattoos angel

  • ct-scan
    Sep 27, 10:27 AM
    I think it does look nice. I just hope this is include in Leopard server as well. I would love to run my own mail server with this type of webmail interface.

    I currently use the built-in Squirrelmail...and while it works for my users, this interface is would be much closer to what they're looking for.
    (Not that us sysadmin really care that much about users :D )

    cross and wings tattoo. cross with wings tattoos.
  • cross with wings tattoos.

  • stridemat
    May 2, 04:34 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_1_3 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7E18 Safari/528.16)

    It's an hour well spent in my opinion. At the moment I'm fit and healthy, but this might not always be the case...

    I would urge everyone that if you are eligible then please visit your local centre.


    cross and wings tattoo. Upper Back Cross
  • Upper Back Cross

  • Detrius
    May 3, 07:05 PM
    So bring it back in to Apple.

    cross and wings tattoo. cross with wings tattoos.
  • cross with wings tattoos.

  • russell1256
    Apr 30, 11:14 AM
    How does the birthday calendar work?

    cross and wings tattoo. cross tattoos with wings on
  • cross tattoos with wings on

  • AaronEdwards
    Apr 28, 10:46 AM
    Who exactly is waiting? Apple's 3GS iPhone, introduced in is beating every other phone's sales in the United States except for one. Can you guess which is number 1?

    Verizon iPhone Helps U.S. Become a Smartphone Majority (http://gigaom.com/apple/verizon-boosts-iphone-smartphones-now-54-of-all-u-s-phone-sales/)

    That's not what my point is about. Did I argue that iPhone 4 isn't the top selling phone? It is.

    But iOS is slipping and every time people starts saying wait for iPhone #, then iOS will gain again. iPhone # is released, it doesn't happen, people start talking about iPhone #+1.


    Mar 25, 01:15 PM
    i would try the osx forum or hardware forum.

    Sep 26, 09:44 PM
    what da heck happened to .Mac exclusive widgets?

    these are things I want for .Mac (and I have been a user for 3 years).

    1. increase of storage to 2gb.

    2. price drop to somewhere close to $50.

    3. integration of Leopard Mail features (such as Notes and stuff)

    4. faster iDisk speed.

    5. integration of iCal on .mac

    maybe not all of them but at least some.

    Oct 10, 02:17 PM
    Favorite UI feature is the refresh thing.

    Apr 6, 12:06 PM
    Man, those fans must huge to cool off all the heat!

    Apr 4, 02:19 AM
    No. You'll be fine. Go ahead and upgrade.

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