Linggo, Hunyo 26, 2011

jennifer lopez twins pictures

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  • Jennifer Lopez - The Twins

  • naushit
    01-13 09:22 AM
    I was in exactly same situation last October. I dont believe there is any foolproof method. I tried everything
    - opened SR
    - inquiry to AILA.
    - obmudusman office.
    - Inquiry thu Senator's office.

    finally I got my GC in Oct 2009 , I believe Senator's office clicked, my local Senator's office was very responsive and very quick.

    Good Luck.


    Hello friends,

    This may sound silly but I could really use some help here. My case has been current for a while now and its not been approved yet. Calling USCIS is no use since the Cust Serv Rep literally tell you the exact same words that are in the online status. I've been doing Infopass every week now for the past month. Last week they said that the case has been assigned to an officer. I'm going to Mumbai on Feb 3rd and was hoping that my case would be processed before then. Any ideas to get that file picked up by the officer?

    Thanks in advance

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  • Jennifer Lopez with her twins

  • chanduv23
    06-28 02:46 PM
    I have an important question that I need to ask here. What is going to be Job title in employment verification letter. For example if I work in company as a Software consultant and H1B states that I am Programmer Analysts and my PERM labor has stated Software Programmer Engineer.

    So out of these 3 which one will going to be in my employment letter. I am unable to get in touch with attorney thru company and our HR doesnt know what to write in Employement letter. Any advise from people who already got their employement letter from their employer.


    Use your PERM labor one - thats the safest, I have used that - Attorney signed off saying that is right

    jennifer lopez twins pictures. Jennifer Lopez, mom of twins,
  • Jennifer Lopez, mom of twins,

  • gopinathan
    04-13 01:55 PM
    braindrain - can you please update on your parents visa please ..

    I have a similar issue that I need some guidance..

    My Wife last name is spelled with 2 e's and my in-laws last names in her passport are spelled with 2 e's. Our Marriage certificate is based on the passport name and has 'ee'.

    Her Birth Certificate has only one 'e' and the parents last name in that certificate have single 'e'. Also, my in-laws passports have single 'e'.

    how bad is this additional 'e' ?? I wil update her birth certificate to 'ee' so that it matches her passport name (no problems in future for I-485) but can her birth certificate have her parents name as singe 'e' that matches their passports ?? (or is this a stupid idea to have different surnames for child and parents in birth certificate ?)


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  • Jennifer Lopez amp; Twins Max

  • kawosa
    08-19 12:43 PM
    Just to state some examples: Several of members probably took CFA level II and III exams in June 2008 and the results were out today. These things further increase cohesion among the people as they share more ground than simply being an immigrant.

    good to find a fellow CFA candidate/member here... are you done with the exams?


    jennifer lopez twins pictures. Jennifer Lopez Twins: Jennifer
  • Jennifer Lopez Twins: Jennifer

  • drona
    07-12 02:49 PM
    But won't we have right to contribute once we get our green cards. The sooner the better then?

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  • Jennifer Lopez, Kim Kardashian

  • n_2006
    07-16 10:52 AM
    If look at you at Pappu's announcement, it is certian that core team knows what fix is going to be. And he let members to guess and speculate.

    This GC became more like lottery. I sent my documents to lawyer on Jun 25th and he did not file on 2nd and now he is asking me whether to file or not. If my lawyer and employer are that cooperative, I do not need to waste my time on this forum.

    well said..


    jennifer lopez twins pictures. Jennifer Lopez Has A Wig Room?
  • Jennifer Lopez Has A Wig Room?

  • sobers
    02-09 08:58 AM
    Discussion about challenges in America�s immigration policies tends to focus on the millions of illegal immigrants. But the more pressing immigration problem facing the US today, writes Intel chairman Craig Barrett, is the dearth of high-skilled immigrants required to keep the US economy competitive. Due to tighter visa policies and a growth in opportunities elsewhere in the world, foreign students majoring in science and engineering at US universities are no longer staying to work after graduation in the large numbers that they once did. With the poor quality of science and math education at the primary and secondary levels in the US, the country cannot afford to lose any highly-skilled immigrants, particularly in key, technology-related disciplines. Along with across-the-board improvements in education, the US needs to find a way to attract enough new workers so that companies like Intel do not have to set up shop elsewhere.


    America Should Open Its Doors Wide to Foreign Talent

    Craig Barrett
    The Financial Times, 1 February 2006

    America is experiencing a profound immigration crisis but it is not about the 11m illegal immigrants currently exciting the press and politicians in Washington. The real crisis is that the US is closing its doors to immigrants with degrees in science, maths and engineering � the �best and brightest� from around the world who flock to the country for its educational and employment opportunities. These foreign-born knowledge workers are critically important to maintaining America�s technological competitiveness.

    This is not a new issue; the US has been partially dependent on foreign scientists and engineers to establish and maintain its technological leadership for several decades. After the second world war, an influx of German engineers bolstered our efforts in aviation and space research. During the 1960s and 1970s, a brain drain from western Europe supplemented our own production of talent. In the 1980s and 1990s, our ranks of scientists and engineers were swelled by Asian immigrants who came to study in our universities, then stayed to pursue professional careers.

    The US simply does not produce enough home-grown graduates in engineering and the hard sciences to meet our needs. Even during the high-tech revolution of the past two decades, when demand for employees with technical degrees was exploding, the number of students majoring in engineering in the US declined. Currently more than half the graduate students in engineering in the US are foreign born � until now, many of them have stayed on to seek employment. But this trend is changing rapidly.

    Because of security concerns and improved education in their own counties, it is increasingly difficult to get foreign students into our universities. Those who do complete their studies in the US are returning home in ever greater numbers because of visa issues or enhanced professional opportunities there. So while Congress debates how to stem the flood of illegal immigrants across our southern border, it is actually our policies on highly skilled immigration that may most negatively affect the American economy.

    The US does have a specified process for granting admission or permanent residency to foreign engineers and scientists. The H1-B visa programme sets a cap � currently at 65,000 � on the number of foreigners allowed to enter and work each year. But the programme is oversubscribed because the cap is insufficient to meet the demands of the knowledge-based US economy.

    The system does not grant automatic entry to all foreign students who study engineering and science at US universities. I have often said, only half in jest, that we should staple a green card to the diploma of every foreign student who graduates from an advanced technical degree programme here.

    At a time when we need more science and technology professionals, it makes no sense to invite foreign students to study at our universities, educate them partially at taxpayer expense and then tell them to go home and take the jobs those talents will create home with them.

    The current situation can only be described as a classic example of the law of unintended consequences. We need experienced and talented workers if our economy is to thrive. We have an immigration problem that remains intractable and, in an attempt to appear tough on illegal immigration, we over-control the employment-based legal immigration system. As a consequence, we keep many of the potentially most productive immigrants out of the country. If we had purposefully set out to design a system that would hobble our ability to be competitive, we could hardly do better than what we have today. Certainly in the post 9/11 world, security must always be a foremost concern. But that concern should not prevent us from having access to the highly skilled workers we need.

    Meanwhile, when it comes to training a skilled, home-grown workforce, the US is rapidly being left in the dust.

    A full half of China�s college graduates earn degrees in engineering, compared with only 5 per cent in the US. Even South Korea, with one-sixth the population of the US, graduates about the same number of engineers as American universities do. Part of this is due to the poor quality of our primary and secondary education, where US students typically fare poorly compared with their international counterparts in maths and science.

    In a global, knowledge-based economy, businesses will naturally gravitate to locations with a ready supply of knowledge-based workers. Intel is a US-based company and we are proud of the fact that we have hired almost 10,000 new US employees in the past four years. But the hard economic fact is that if we cannot find or attract the workers we need here, the company � like every other business � will go where the talent is located.

    We in the US have only two real choices: we can stand on the sidelines while countries such as India, China, and others dominate the game � and accept the consequent decline in our standard of living. Or we can decide to compete.

    Deciding to compete means reforming the appalling state of primary and secondary education, where low expectations have become institutionalised, and urgently expanding science education in colleges and universities � much as we did in the 1950s after the Soviet launch of Sputnik gave our nation a needed wake-up call.

    As a member of the National Academies Committee assigned by Congress to investigate this issue and propose solutions, I and the other members recommended that the government create 25,000 undergraduate and 5,000 graduate scholarships, each of $20,000 (�11,300), in technical fields, especially those determined to be in areas of urgent �national need�. Other recommendations included a tax credit for employers who make continuing education available for scientists and engineers, so that our workforce can keep pace with the rapid advance of scientific discovery, and a sustained national commitment to basic research.

    But we all realised that even an effective national effort in this area would not produce results quickly enough. That is why deciding to compete also means opening doors wider to foreigners with the kind of technical knowledge our businesses need. At a minimum the US should vastly increase the number of permanent visas for highly educated foreigners, streamline the process for those already working here and allow foreign students in the hard sciences and engineering to move directly to permanent resident status. Any country that wants to remain competitive has to start competing for the best minds in the world. Without that we may be unable to maintain economic leadership in the 21st century.

    2010 Jennifer Lopez, mom of twins, jennifer lopez twins pictures. Jennifer Lopez
  • Jennifer Lopez

  • anilsal
    01-13 10:47 AM
    an infopass. The CIS official has a lot of information as to what is happening with the file. They can tell if someone is working on the file.

    If infopass does not work, go via senator and ombudsman.

    Best of luck!!


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  • lghtslpr
    02-13 04:40 PM
    Personalised emails will add lot off value, sending mass faxes would create more business for Fellowes in selling more shredder. I woud request u to think again before you guys spam the offices

    I've been told by senators' aids that letters, faxes and email all have an impact. Politicians do not read them all, of course, but their aids summarize volume and content for them. I was told specifically that written letters carry more weight than emails, because they represent greater effort by the sender.


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  • Jennifer Lopez Photo: Jennifer

  • smuggymba
    09-16 07:45 PM
    Here is the scenario.

    If 6 months has been completed after your I-485 is filed then you can port out your process. You can either file AC21 or not. But to work for another company you need EAD. Now here you have mentioned that you have been working for Company B. What is your status with Company B? I guess, H1B.

    If the company B can file for an AC21 at the earliest, that is the best option you have with you.

    Just in case, if your I-485 is less than 6 months, situation becomes little sticky. Though the law or rule does not say anything specific, USCIS has been little lenient with the lay off and other situations recently.

    So once Company A gets winds up, you can claim the process by stating that the company went out of business. There are cases where this was approved recently. Earlier there were exemptions at all.

    You all need the co-operation from Company A on this. If they report to USCIS that you guys never joined there or made the company lose money, then none of the process will not stand as per law.

    I personally know a unique situation, even after the company reported against the employee, the USCIS issued Green Card.

    It all depends on the knowledge of the Officer who takes the case. Basically it is roll of the dice.

    Do not take chances. Do it in the legal way as much as possible.

    Good Luck to all of you

    Imagine if everyone uses bold font:mad:


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  • images Twins jennifer lopez

  • TigerAmit
    09-23 03:07 PM
    Dear Guru's

    I got rejection notice from TSC for a valid I-485 application stating that "A Visa number is not available at the present time".

    However, I have two I-140 approved one in EB3 with 10-Nov-2004 as PD and another I-140 in EB2 category with 10-Aug-2007 as PD.

    It is evident that Based on 10-Nov-2004 my PD is current and my application highlighted the same in bright cover sheet and my application still got rejected.

    based on notice we filed the same application back and this time CC'd to ombudsman emphasizing the same fact for PD.

    Its been a week we respond to rejection notice and haven't got either acceptance or rejection letter. and haven't heard back from ombudsman.

    I am optimistic and would wait to get the response but I am worried since only 5 business days left before the dates get retrogressed.

    I would like to know what actions do I need to take "while the date is current"; so that I can pursue my case further after 9/30/2008.

    Is there anyway I can talk to ombudsman office and get personal attention to my case.

    Guru's please help me out with your experience and ideas.

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  • Jennifer Lopez Goes Around

  • deepimpact
    09-17 11:13 PM
    Spill over from FB should go to most retrogressed EB category regardless of the EB1,2,3,..

    In this case, if any spill over from FB should go to EB3-I. I dont know whether spill over will happen from FB or NOT.

    FB spillover from a year gets added to overall EB quota of 140K for next year. And each category gets its proportional share of the spillover.


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  • Jennifer Lopez#39;s Twins Are

  • akhilmahajan
    04-23 09:30 AM
    I have not got my i140 approval yet........

    but the Receipt i got for my i140 says:-

    Notice Type: Approval Notice
    Section: Mern of Profession w/Adv Deg,or
    of Excentn'l Abllitv
    Sec .203.(b) (2)

    So, does that mean it is being processed for EB2.


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  • Filed under: Jennifer Lopez

  • lostinbeta
    10-04 01:43 AM
    Oh, that is awesome=)

    Congratulations on a job well done:)


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  • 2010 Jennifer Lopez Twins

  • sanju
    04-30 10:02 PM
    What is the agenda now?

    someone just woke up after 8 months, now asking the agenda, not willing to spare a penny or bring in energy, but wants an "update" about the date & time he will get his GC in mail. Is that something new, NO, its been a consistent behavior, that's why I never liked gjoe.


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  • Jennifer Lopez and Twins in

  • amitga
    08-24 01:29 PM
    Can interfiling done for spouse. I filed 485 based on my PERM labor. Can I interfile this 485 when my wifes labor gets approved from Backlog.


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  • svam77
    07-18 06:57 PM
    My I 140 alone was applied on July12th as we did not know anything about the revision that time.

    I did not recieve the receipt notice yet and I called USCIS and they dont have a record of my entry yet.

    Mine was a labor substitution with my current company itself. My current company is a multi billion dollar US firm and they go by the rules, so I am not worried about my I 140 approval.

    Since my I 140 was applied based on a labor subsitution, and if my I 140 receipt comes in August ( lets say august 10th), would I still be considered in the July bulletin ?

    Thanks a lot for the reply,

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  • vactorboy29
    02-24 03:24 PM
    I agree with you that IV needs money for the good cause and it has to come from donations. All I am saying is if someone like me who is on H1B and can't fill the profile wants to reply to someone's query then IV should not be charging me for that because I have no dates in my profile. Money has to be generated but not at the cost of popularity of IV and defeating the purpose of IV as a common platform for all legal immigrants.

    With all due respect, why don�t you want to update your information? As others said that this info will help us to know where we stand as a group. All of us knows we need this forum to bring new people on board with us and only way is to get them here is help them when they have difficulty but other side of coin is we need ways fund our movement to move forward .If you have better idea or thoughts just toss it here our seniors will look in that.

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  • Jennifer Lopez twins Max Emme

  • smitin_2000
    02-09 11:34 PM

    I have issue with I-94 as visa office at LA - LAX port of entry put a date in I-94 as same as in visa stamp in passport and not the date in the I-797 (extended H1B approval notice), I realised it 2months after the I-94 expiry, means while I was moved to Bay Area in CA, so I took infopass appointment from site for San Francisco office, went there and explained the matter to the visa officer, they corrected the error and issued me new I-94 with the date in I-797, you can also try the same, I think your issue will be fixed.

    Best of luck

    CBP office location link in CA
    LA -
    San Diego -
    San Francisco -


    03-27 11:02 AM
    Hi All,
    My gc was filed in Jun 2002 under EB3. I had approved labour and I-140.(in feb 2004).
    I had filed my I-485 in June 2005 and got EAD in one month. I got married in Jan.
    So is this correct that I can file my wife's case only when priority dates become current?
    Now the real question is how do I keep track of this.

    Option 1

    On US buletin, as of April,

    All Chargeability Areas Except Those Listed CHINA INDIA MEXICO PHILIP-PINES

    1st C 01JAN04 01JAN05 C C
    2nd C 01JAN03 01JUL02 C C
    3rd 01MAY01 01MAY01 01FEB01 08APR01 01MAY01

    So I should look at wait till my priorites date become current?(change from 01 Feb to Jun 2002) Is that correct?

    Option 2

    I-485 Application to register **** Employement Based adjustments application March 01,2005

    Does it mean if I-485 dates move from March 01 to Jun 2005, I can file my spouse's case

    Please suggest which is the correct way to keep the track

    Thanks a lot

    01-31 06:52 PM
    OH boy! USCIS has found a new way of harassing us legal immigrants ;) come on guys! Know how to solve issues. Begin by not creating a thread at IV for such issues. Talk to your utility company folks, see whats happening. Check with your landlord to know why the meter reading is so high..If they have already charge your credit card, dispute it...start by talking with real people on the phone or maybe visit the utility company personally...for God's sake dont show your ignorance like this and give more fodder to SOBs like Matt....please!!

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