Sabado, Hunyo 25, 2011

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  • sri1309
    03-25 05:12 PM

    Press view questions and search for immigration. You need to complete a simple registration to vote for existing questions or ask a new questions. This is a chance to force President to answer direct questions.

    Very nice. I just watched the video.. Feels like Obama is sitting in front of me asking me what my problem is.. Never had this opportunity before right.. He asks us to use internet to tell him what our problems are and also allows us to vote. Though we are not Citizens. He is not asking us to register using SSN or anything and filtering only Citizens.. Its open to all.. Go and tell your problem and also DO vote on relevant topics.
    Since its related to economy, related your GC problem to a solution on how you can make a difference to economy by jobs and by buying houses.. Please do it.
    Lets this thread be bumped..
    Obama wants to answer us Thursday. Just two days from now.. I just did it..

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  • rsb
    06-19 07:47 PM

    I had my PERM labour and I-140 approved with priority date Dec 2005 in EB2 category. I changed my job in April and was hoping to get the priority date transferred to with new labour and I-140 from new employer. I have not started the GC process with new employer and am in good terms with old employer. With the priority dates being current for July (and probably for August too), what are the options I have:

    1. Filing new labour and pray to get approved before end of August. Then file for I-140 and I-485 concurrently. Do I stand a chance there, with advertisement publishing and other formalities?

    2. Can I file my I-485 with old employer while working with new employer. What are the documents I would need from old employer.

    3. If answer to question 2 is 'yes', do I need to go back and work for old employer ever (before or after getting green card)?


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  • TexDBoy
    06-16 05:57 PM
    If only Labour is approved and you change employer, you will lose it and have to start from the scrach. Only if your I-140 is approved and its more than six months, you can use the PD.

    I am not sure about six months ... That is only when you file 485 and want to use AC21 to continue your GC process.

    Once your I-140 is approved, then you lock the PD from that moment itself.

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  • immuser
    11-01 06:16 PM

    London: Employment prospects for Indians in Britain could well be hit by the recent revelation that 52 per cent of all new jobs created in the country over the past decade have gone to immigrants.

    According to Britain’s National Statistics Office, 1.1 million of the 2.1 million new jobs that have arisen since 1997 have been bagged by people of non-British origin.

    Another government study released a few days earlier had shown that migrant workers earned on an average �424 a week, while British workers got �395. Foreign born workers, at an estimated 1.5 million, comprised 12.5 per cent of Britain’s workforce, compared to 7.4 per cent a decade ago.

    “Any move to control immigration will affect Indian professionals the most,” said Amit Kapadia, convenor of the Asian organisation Highly Skilled Migrant Professionals.

    The findings have revived old fears of migrants leaving local workers jobless. They raised such a furore that Prime Minister Gordon Brown intervened on Wednesday declaring plans were being finalised to control the influx of foreign workers.

    These included introducing a points-based system which would give priority to immigrants with skills needed in Britain, and if required, shut out the others.

    “Over the next few months, we have decided on changes... so that people can be sure we are taking action that is necessary,” Brown said


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  • franklin
    12-12 11:49 PM
    It depends on the terms of the contract.

    I think Washington is an "At Will" employment state, so no matter what a contract says, its pretty much !#*$. I'd do some research if I were you -google, get some state specific employment law advice, check your employee handbook etc.

    At Will means that either side (employer or employee) can end a contract at any point, AFAIK

    Employee handbook should spell it out. I guess they "could" force you to use your PTO - don't know of the legality in that.

    Just my opinion, not legal advice:o

    Quick search online got this:-

    At Will

    In Washington, employees are presumed to be "at will." At-will employees may be terminated for any reason, so long as it is not illegal. Generally, employees that work under an employment contract can only be terminated for reasons specified in the contract. In Washington, in order to overcome the at-will presumption, an employee must show that the employer made clear and unequivocal statements of job security to the employee.

    The most common exception to employment-at will is for public policy. This holds that an employee is wrongfully discharged if the termination is counter to an explicit policy of the government. One example is the discharge of an employee for filing a workers' compensation claim.

    Employee Handbooks

    While an employer is not required by law to have an employee handbook, in most cases, it is recommended. An employee handbook provides a centralized, complete and certain record of the employer's policies and procedures. It also provides more convenient access by employees and managers. At a minimum, an employee handbook should include:

    * A statement regarding the at-will employment relationship
    * An equal employment opportunity statement
    * A policy regarding sexual and other types of harassment in the workplace
    * Internet access, e-mail, and voice mail policies
    * The Family Medical Leave Act

    In Washington, in limited circumstances, the at-will presumption can be overcome and a just-cause employment relationship can be created by an employee's legitimate expectations that are grounded in an employer's policy statements. The employee has to show that the employer, through the employee manual or otherwise, made representations or promises that termination would be only for just cause.

    The laws regarding an employer's duties and responsibilities arising under an employee handbook are complex, and a licensed attorney should be contacted to review individual circumstances.

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  • chanduv23
    09-25 10:29 AM


    Excellent - explains everything


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  • desi3933
    06-30 01:50 PM
    Lot of incorrect info on this thread.

    Please allow me some points on H-1B here
    1. There is no requirement that H-1B has to be full time job. One can have one H-1B for 10 hour job. Please do not confuse H-1B job with GC job. GC job has to be full time and permanent, not H-1B job.
    2. One can have more than 1 H-1B active same time, called concurrent H-1B.
    3. Concurrent H-1B is cap exempt as person is already on H-1B status.
    4. Both H-1B can be for full time hours (i.e. 80 hours per week or more)
    5. Both H-1B can be part time jobs and of course, it can be for 1 full time and 1 part time job.
    6. Each H-1B is regulated by its corresponding LCA.

    Not a legal advice.
    US citizen of Indian origin

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  • AjP
    July 27th, 2005, 11:43 AM
    Freddy slow down, I can do anything at work, was thinking work on it after I get home and you................ LOL great work!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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  • mattresscoil
    10-18 08:48 AM
    My 485 interview (employment based) has been scheduled in San Jose, CA for Oct,29th.
    Interview letter says bring following documents:

    All Passports, all documents that submitted during 485, current employment letter, W2s , marriage certificate, insurance policies, rental agreements etc�.

    I have few questions on this:

    1.My wife interview is at 7:45AM and mine is 8:15AM. Does it mean we have to go
    separate or can we go at the same time?
    2. Do I need to carry employer tax returns also?
    3. Do I need to carry affidavit of support for my wife?
    4. Are there any documents that I need to carry apart from mentioned in the above list?

    Also if you have attended interview in San Jose field office, please share your experience.

    1.My wife interview is at 7:45AM and mine is 8:15AM. Does it mean we have to go separate or can we go at the same time? - Most likely the officer will call you together.

    2. Do I need to carry employer tax returns also? - No, just carry the letter of continued employment from your employer stating your income and that you work full time 40 hors a week form them.

    3. Do I need to carry affidavit of support for my wife? - Not require but carry notarized cope if you really want to.

    4. Are there any documents that I need to carry apart from mentioned in the above list? - Just carry every thing. Make sure you keep things sorted/organized so that you can pull whatever the officer wants from the stack.

    Good luck and let the group know what happens.
    Thanks, Mattresscoil!!

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  • paskal
    08-23 11:19 AM
    "Anything that can possibly go wrong Does"


    make your best efforts then hope for the best.
    that is the better line......

    what will happen will. no point expecting the worst. good things happen to those that do their best. we make our own destinies...hey i could go on all day...

    let's do the needful. come to DC. help with rally preparations
    if you don't have a local chapter- help organize one. otherwise join your chapter!


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  • gcformeornot
    12-31 02:09 PM
    the sadest and unluckiest members of this forum..?

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  • sky7
    07-26 11:34 AM
    hey njboy..thanks again for ur response.

    Yes, i read about the I140 processing and EB3 goes first. But I already filed my I140 in June-06, can i still move that to PREMIUM PROCESSING? (I tried to find any rule/regulation on that...didn't see any). And how long does the PREMIUM Processing takes?

    Looks like the average wait time at the Nebraska SC is 3-4 months, hmmm..should i spend that extra $1K? Maybe yes (if we are allowed to switch from regular to premium)...given the "efficiency" of the immigration processing in the US.

    Thanks again



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  • markelli
    02-26 11:34 PM

    Hi! Do you think this rule will apply if you were to apply for H1-B extension? I'm a PT too and my H1 will expire in October. My I-140 petition was filed last December and was approved this February. So I was wondering if USCIS uses the same standard for H1-B and I-140s. Which service center did you apply to? I'm really scared of what's happening. I hope that you get thru this....

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  • ajju
    08-29 11:27 PM
    Par: Parolee


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  • chanduv23
    08-10 11:03 AM
    Hello All

    My employer paid me for my 485 application,he gave me his personal checks in the name of uscis, i applied with those checks, now i hear that
    "The Address Printed On your checks Must Match the adress given in work sheets[in 485]"
    I am confused,will they accept the application,checks are not cashed yet,applied on july18th
    Please Help

    R u sure? Mine don't match - where did u get this info?

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  • ras
    05-23 10:29 AM
    Is EAD to H1 a complicated process? If so what could be the reasons.

    I still have 1.5 years on H1. I posted earlier but didn't get a clear idea.


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  • keiryu
    06-28 04:35 PM
    Let me rephrase. You can have both but you can only enter in as one status. Whatever you enter in as, that will be your status. If you have not entered in as AP, You can enter the US on H-1b without impacting your AOS.

    Status of EAD/AP vs. H/L (

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  • pappu
    06-17 04:11 PM

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    10-15 02:49 PM
    I-9 is a USCIS document so i would guess it goes to uscis

    06-25 06:40 AM

    10-27 08:20 AM
    we need to take all the originals if we have to attend a visa stampin interview.
    but for H4 i dont' know coz we will be in US and would it really really be safe to mail our original petition to India we being here.
    Mine was a different situation i entered US without my petition papers as i had forgotten them. I realized it only when i switched my company that i didn't have my petition papers with me. I later on got i fedexed by ma parents.

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