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  • Dont Hurt Me
    Mar 19, 03:23 PM
    I don't argue that their strategy is wrong. They are a profitable, debt-free company. They obviously have some clue as to what's going on.

    However, as a Mac lover on a budget, I hate only having the option of an iMac or an eMac. I dislike both of them. I dislike the design and I dislike that they are essentually unupgradable. If I am going to spend money on a product, I had better like looking at it. I also don't want to have to use a G4 MDD as it's old technology. Granted, it's life is far from over but I get the impression that Apple is telling me that unless I am willing to pony up $2500.00 - $3000.00, that my only options are either old or unupgradable products.

    A Bargain PC may be a POS, but for a good group of people, it's all they can afford...and I am almost to that point. My old computer can only take me so much farther.this is exactley why marketshare has dwindled for Mac, they tell you its our way ( powermac) or if you dont submit then we will cripple the Hell out of the othermacs and leave you wanting, so the world says screw you Apple and buys a PC with everything they want in it and makes do with a OS that is less then perfect. This is why Apples new computer sales went to 1.7% of all new sales. Apple is a dictator mini monopoly.

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  • ljcarr
    Jan 4, 05:21 AM
    My pride and joy. (
    Side ( by ljcarrD300 (, on Flickr (
    Front side 1 (1) ( by ljcarrD300 (, on Flickr

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  • Lunja
    Jan 7, 06:16 PM
    Dear Mr Jobs,

    All I want for MWSF is a new keyboard, because it's time we had some media buttons. And a paint app so that I don't have to buy Photoshop if I want to doodle something.



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  • MacVixen
    Apr 11, 10:46 AM
    Learned to drive using a manual transmission and for about 15 years afterwards all of my cars were manuals. Been driving automatics for the past several years - it's fine, but I do miss the "fun" of driving a manual and would love to have one again. As some have noted, it's getting more difficult to find manual transmissions in the US, especially with the suburban "mom" cars I drive these days :D

    I recall going over with a friend to the UK and renting a car to drive from London to Edinburgh to Wales and back to London again. It was a manual transmission and at first I was :eek: at the idea of driving a stick with my left hand, but it actually worked out quite fine.

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  • DewGuy1999
    Nov 26, 09:27 AM
    Come on guys...give the guy a break,stop making fun of him...this is the case he needs.

    How open minded of you...

    Ive been contemplating this keyboard because of the same reasons. I have a question for anyone that can answer this...I use the new Logitech Performance MX, which uses the same mini usb connector, can I use that to connect the keyboard as well, or do I have to add a second USB connector for the keyboard?

    According to the Logitech website, the Performance MX mouse uses the Unifying receiver and these products are compatible with it (, but not the Logitech diNovo Mac Edition Keyboard.

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  • blackghostknife
    Oct 23, 11:29 AM
    New MacBook Pro's and video iPods for some, abortions and miniature American flags for others

    Yeah, um... what?

    And I think I'll take the former...

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  • diamond.g
    Mar 24, 02:07 PM
    The GPU can do that, no need for CPU. The CPU is just there to tell the GPU what to crunch assuming no FLAGS were thrown regarding a particular DRM-protected data.

    Thunderbolt is just the transmission protocol, there is no actual decode or encode besides what is hard wired at the ports.

    Hmm, maybe we are thinking of two different things. How is this going to maintain a protected path? How would Apple keep us from grabbing the stream as it is being sent to the GPU (to be shown on the screen)? That is the part I am thinking of, that is what HDCP/DPCP is supposed to prevent. If we are sending data down the PCIe side then how is it being protected from snooping?

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  • RayLancer
    Oct 2, 10:36 AM
    Actually I kind of like my gel case. It perfectly fits and makes the back look great. I intended to wait for the belkin's clear hard case to come out, but now I'm going to order the full set of this gel case and it's still cheaper.

    Where did you get yours from? I ordered one off ebay and it was horribly warped, both of them. It was pretty loose and stretched so it wouldn't fit my iPod at all.

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  • Travis Bickle
    Mar 24, 01:34 PM
    Probably a daft question but i'll ask anyhows so forgive my techie noobness!

    With the advent of thunderbolt and its high bandwidth, will it possible for a gfx card to be sited externally in some kind of cradle and be used as the main gfx card or wouldn't the internal "plumbing" allow it to happen ?

    /noob mode off


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  • richard.mac
    Feb 17, 09:55 PM
    those are pretty standard sized studio monitoring speakers. i like the audio interface which one is it? is it a DAC and headphone amp too?

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  • Silentwave
    Sep 6, 04:40 PM
    It may have been introduced then, but that wasn't the last time it was refreshed . See here ( which is actually on May 16th.

    Come on, apple updated the MBP before it even shipped! The pace of things are different nowadays.

    the MBP WILL get C2D in the next ~2 weeks tops.

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  • thegoldenmackid
    Jan 12, 05:47 PM
    MacBook Air
    (exclusive Specs)

    Has 0 Ports (just power)

    Connects to "new wireless device almost like airport express..which to that you can hook up...."

    dvd/cd burner
    usb ports for iPods/iPhones etc
    printers etc

    Has slim hard drive

    6-8hours battery

    this is crap,

    no one in their right mind would make something with 0 ports, you have to at a bare minimum have an audio out.

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  • Compile 'em all
    Jan 6, 05:52 AM
    11.05 New kernel for Mac OS X. Mac OS X high level subsystems built upon Windows. New operating system. "Mac OS W". Leopard is Mac OS W 11.0.

    11.08 "Best of Apple, Best of Microsoft, everything will 'just work' from now on"


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  • mahonmeister
    Nov 27, 01:15 PM
    Apple is making good strides in filling the holes in their line-up. Still a ways to go if they want their market share to keep climbing.

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  • leekohler
    Apr 20, 02:43 PM
    Yes, I love driving manual transmission cars. It's fun.

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  • I WAS the one
    Jun 23, 08:30 PM
    iOS and Mac OS will merge. Very slowly over the years. Eventually,This sounds great to me! I can imagine Photoshop don't count on adobe products pal, Apple wants you to use Apple products and grab to your seat ... I bet it will be just one way to install apps... The AppStore pro. We are screwed.

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  • omegaphil6
    Feb 8, 06:57 AM
    2008 Dodge Charger SE

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  • alfagta
    Apr 1, 01:04 PM
    Don't know if anyone mentioned this, but System Profiler has been given a complete overhaul, including detailed-USB hdd details and a refined GUI

    About this Mac or System Profiler? Refreshed About this Mac was already present in DP1. Post some screenshots.

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  • SchneiderMan
    Sep 16, 03:50 PM
    Got these from eBay for $1 each, good quality.
    Link (

    Feb 17, 10:57 PM
    those are pretty standard sized studio monitoring speakers. i like the audio interface which one is it? is it a DAC and headphone amp too?

    Yes its a Presonus Firestudio Mobile

    Sep 6, 10:28 PM
    not that this is anything new. but ethically, if a company insists that you are buying your little piece of a movie(or music or art) instead of buying a physical copy, then you should be able to procure as many copys as you want from where ever you can for the cost of production materials.

    after the first purchase of course

    Apr 2, 09:19 PM
    This ad will never work. People want ads that make them feel like teenage boys. I know this from Android ads. Steel and lasers, Apple. Steel and lasers!

    Actually that is why it does work. Because it isn't steel and lasers. If you go back and watch the ad again at least twice there were medical tech references and at least one 'learning' tech. Apple is pushing these types of things to get rid of the 'it's a toy, talk. And the folks that decide to put iPads in a hospital or a school are often older folks and zippy steel etc doesn't appeal to them

    Jan 2, 05:25 AM
    Leopard for G3s, please.

    An iMac with an adjustable screen height, with dual C2D chips.

    A Macbook with a proper keys on the board.

    A new low end range of desktops and notebooks with a core solo chip, for volume sales.

    Mac Mini C2D 2.33Ghz

    Mar 4, 07:25 PM
    I will be devastated on the day that my 2002 Golf TDI dies. 50mpg - I drive the hell out of it - I'm a HUGE guy and it's comfy. Oh yeah, and I can fit a full sized washing machine inside the hatch. (or a 50" plasma TV, for that matter)

    My favorite memory to date with this car, pulling into a gas station (with a new washing machine in the back, of course) and watching the owner of a Jeep Grand Cherokee have a fit about how he can't fit one inside his...

    And then I told him my average MPG. :D

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  • i.Feature
    Jul 18, 08:45 AM
    So, if the new itunes video store can rent rent movies at .99 cents for a 3-5 day unlimited viewing I'm in. At 1.99 I might rent a few at 2.99 I really doubt it. at 4.99 no way in hell.

    100% agree with this. Right now i can walk into the video store and get 3 dvds for $5(canadian) for 3 days. I can rip them to view later if i don't get around to them in the 3 days (I almost alway delete the ripped files within a week, i don't need to keep em).

    It has to be cheap. Cause it'll be in no way "instant gratification" or more convient then driving walking to the video store.

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  • yac_moda
    Jul 19, 08:44 PM
    But, look at it from the other angle. If Vista and Leopard does not look all that different, why switch to a Mac? Tiger would be a bit more user friendly to maintain, iLife might end up being less buggy, but you gotta balance that againts the "fear of the unknown", repurchasing some of your software and lack of close friends etc. to "borrow" software from. I am not that upbeat about 2007 for OSX.

    MS is functioning with BG for the FIRST TIME, they have lost their IDOL their reason for being -- will they go insane :confused:

    WHAT is the historical precedence for this :confused: :confused:

    Lets see Japan lost their GOD, their king after WW2, replaced him with MacArthur who rebuilt their industry, but for a long time THEY JUST COPIED AMERICAN GOODS even though they had newer equipment.

    HHHMMM !!! Could this mean the MS will collapse because they spent their best years copying everything tech !?!?!?!?

    NO ! I think they will emerge eventually as a new company, BUT FIRST THEY WILL HAVE TO QUIT COMPUTERS !!

    A new company that builds all things based on thar XBox.

    And things won't work out until they jettison Balmer :D

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  • 2ndPath
    Sep 1, 12:43 PM
    i don't think this rumor will come out to be true because this might take a lot of people from getting Mac Pro, unless this iMac comes out to be north of $2500, at which point nobody will buy this.

    I don't think an iMac with a larger Display is a competition for a Mac Pro. The biggest advantages of the Mac Pro are the expandability and the CPUs, which both put it into a completely different class than any iMac.

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  • Kludge420
    Mar 25, 03:11 PM
    On my MacBook Pro 10.6.7 fried my Ruby install. On my nearly identically setup MacMini it was fine. Install at your own risk and do a full system backup first!

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  • Doctor Q
    Nov 29, 04:20 PM
    the analyst also believes the iTV will have advanced user interface software to further the ultimate goal of improving user experience and simplifying consumers' use of content.Maybe during boring movie credits the iTV will switch the display to a Visualizer, like the one in iTunes, or automatically change all commercials into Get A Mac ads.

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  • Mr Fusion
    Apr 21, 10:27 PM
    ... Really? Since privacy issues don't seem to mean squat to some people here, mind handing over your credit card numbers, SSN's, compromising photographs etc. They uh, help improve my networks. ;)

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  • Lukeit
    Mar 31, 11:01 AM
    Yea it's a little buggy right now. You can delete apps the same as as before with some added frustration.

    1. Press and hold, CMD+OPT+CTRL (so they all wiggle)
    2. Next press and hold one app until they stop wiggling.
    3. Now click the apps you want once to delete them.
    4. Make sure you hold those 3 keys throughout all steps.

    The only thing I haven't figured out yet is adding apps manually. When I drag them to the LaunchPad icon, nothing happens.

    Thanks SO much... you made my day!

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  • sineplex
    Sep 18, 05:17 PM
    So, the ipod touch 4G is my first iOS device, and I had a bunch of problems putting on the screen protector when I bought the Dermashot. So much in fact, that I ruined the protector. Not seeing any others for sale on the site, I emailed their customer service to inquire when they'd be on sale. They said "soon," but in the meantime they sent me two FREE ones! Love their customer support and the case looks great on mine. :D

    pin a photo with the dermashot

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  • CaoCao
    Mar 23, 12:19 AM
    lots, Bluetooth, WIFI (for internet radio), design..

    Here's my classic mockup

    This is sexy. Having an iPod as a command centre utilizing airplay would return the iPod to being badass.

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  • haysoos123
    Apr 13, 02:07 AM
    +1 here. Every time I've tried to use iMovie for a "quick" edit it always ends in disasters like this. In my case, I was trying to move some music around and time my edits with the music. It was really infuriating trying to do this in iMovie compared to how fast I could have done it in FCP. I guess we'll have wait till Apple posts more info or we get it in our hands to really tell if it can be run like the current FCP.

    True, but why try to use iMovie for a quick edit in the first place? It's not really made for you, and its basic workflow is certainly not made for you. You should use what you can use, even for your home movies. Just because FCP is more advanced doesn't mean you can't also use it for very simple things.

    Count me as excited for this release. As far as I know, they haven't said they would remove key features, but these updates to 64-bit and core usage enhancements have been overdue. For all you guys claiming it's "not pro" ... have you used it? How do you know that from these few details?

    We don't know anything about the Suite offerings, so any bitching on that front is premature. I hope they keep Color and make a great update to Motion. The smoother color controls inside FCP will be a boon for basic things... like you need it to look presentable for cut reviews. Color is great to have around for the integrated post houses and for indies, but we have to remember that FCP is an editing program first and foremost. I will continue to take my bigger projects in for color timing on daVincis with great colorists. But for my lower-budget stuff where that's not in the cards, I hope they throw us a bone.

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  • Fearless Leader
    Aug 6, 09:57 PM
    how long is the keynote?
    Hasta la vista, vista. can you say bye to something that isn't here?

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  • St0rMl0rD
    Nov 28, 03:52 PM
    Just ordered some Affliction and BCK stuff from U.S.!

    Affliction Spear T-Shirt - 26 EUR

    Affliction Scripture T-Shirt - 54 EUR

    Got this Affliction shirt for free as their bonus:
    And two BCK bracelets:

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  • plinden
    Jul 19, 03:47 PM
    There are more details here -

    At the end of the page is a breakdown in the sales figures.

    Desktop sales are down 14% on last quarter, and 23% on a year ago, but laptop sales are up a whopping 60% on last quarter and 61% on a year ago.

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    Jan 11, 07:59 PM
    added a line to the article...

    "- It will be called the MacBook Air"


    worst-name-ever. i hope that it's anything but "macbook air"

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  • m4rc
    Mar 24, 03:02 AM
    But Apple's market is shrinking.....

    What you are possibly forgetting is that although, yes, Apple's market share may be shrinking, the market it self - the number of units actualy shifted - is growing at massive rates. I don't really have to explain percentages now do I, it is obvious that 1.7% or whatever it is of 10,000,000 (a figure pulled from the air, I have NO idea how many units are shifted :)) is a much higher number than say 5% of 1,000,000. Apple is shifting more units - may not be computers, iPods are obviously helping Apple to succeed, and do remember that some of these iPod users are going to like the thing so much that they start taking a healthy interest in the rest of Apple's product range.

    Apple may be many things, but the way they have turned there fortunes around, going from the brink to billions in the bank and zero debt, shows the one thing they are not is stupid. They realise what the market is doing, and are releasing the products that make the most profit. It is all about profit, as in pretty much any bussiness. I started my business doing I.T Support, Servicing, Installations etc. I found a market niche where I could make some serious profit, and have completely remodelled the company to that, even though what we as a company always wanted to do was I.T Services. You have to go where the money is. And I obviouslly don't know the numbers, but I would bet that the profit does not come with shifting units that make you a few dollars just to increase your market share a little.

    I like the references people have made to other iconic brands - BMW, Ferrari, Tiffany's, there are many. These companies could all increase their market share massively by selling cheaper stripped down products, and to some extent BMW is doing just this, but to go for a car that aims at the bottom end of the market, that would hurt BMW too much. More likely, they would aquire a low end car manufacturer and improve the organisation, a little like VAG and Seat and Skoda - may not have all of those brands in the states though.

    I would like to see Apple increasing it's market share too, but not at any cost. It would be very easy to just chuck out a budget box and lose money on it, what would thay gain? Lower profits possibley, and an increased market share, but to what end? Some companies have a lovely large market share, and are teetering on the edge as they are just not profitable. Apple know's it's business, and it will do whatever it has to do to succeed and profit. I do agree however, that they have current issues over product quality and service support, but again, these will be sorted over time.


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  • Lurchdubious
    Nov 24, 07:29 PM
    Asics Gel Enduro -6

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    Bungees for my truck

    New Adidas jacket (minus the Notre Dame logo)

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  • batitombo
    May 2, 04:31 PM
    Care factory?

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  • CplBadboy
    Apr 19, 01:16 PM

    The news Ive been waiting for and not a blinking boring update to the iPhone being white. Maxed out iMac here we come. Its been long time coming. Happy Chappy:D

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  • skunk
    Mar 20, 06:01 PM
    the object (tank?) could have exploded from the inside out.Please cite an explosion which happens any other way than from the inside out.

    Jul 19, 04:29 PM
    Most critical applications to be out in september? wouldnt adobe fall into this category???

    isn't he referring to Apple's own apps?

    but wait, what are the critical Apple apps that are yet not in universal binary?:eek:

    Apr 21, 12:02 PM
    It's not a terribly big concern for everybody I'll admit but for those it is a concern to, this is a sale killer for all of these little GPS enabled electronics. Their safety is worth waay more to them than some piddly little iToy or other GPS enabled microdevice. Even normal cell phones and credit cards allow for too much risk.

    Aug 19, 09:26 AM
    Like I said, an iPod with a touch screen and a slide out QWERTY keyboard (a la MYLO) would be better and more portable than a laptop. As clunky as the PSP's interface is, the feature of surfing the net is still very useful and popular. Imagine how much better a MYLO iPod would be. The media player market is staurated, so if Apple intend to continue to do well they need to make the new iPod much more than a media player. Incorperating WiFi into an music/video player is almost pointless, yet is many time more useful if you can check mail, IM and surf the net. It's a natural evolution of what the iPod is. And other companies are beating Apple to it:

    I sincerely hope you're wrong about apple's thinking on this. The iPod should be a pure machine. Maybe a few add-ons, improvements, limited added functionality over time - but it's an MP3 player. The best there is. Don't F with that.

    Make an iPone or something else if some study shows enough people really lack the thigh strength to hold on to their laptop on the couch ;) ... I and probably close to 90% of the people I've talked to about this over the last year or two (I was deciding what to bring with me over here - laptop or highpowered PDA/phone). Severeal issues swayed me to choose the laptop but one major factor was input method. I have a PSP - yes I am in my early 30s and still buy the latest consoles/vid games...:o - and it is such a cluster F when it comes to entering text. So were all other pda/phones/etc... I do kinda like the cool factor of the slide out qwerty on devices like the chocolate but it is no way to write an email over two words in length, type in any of the "secure" (read: long and mixed) passwords we're required to use or type in any average URL. It always felt like I feel when I was trying to get through naming a DVD I was burning from my Tivo (a Humax Tivo/DVD burner combo box) without shooting the box - don't get me started on text entry with Tivo! I could no longer live without it but one of those slide out qwertys on the Tivo remote would be useful in that setting; but not for your normal net stuff you do everyday. I need to keep my thumb strength for freeing the safety in a hurry...;) not trying to type on one of those.

    So, hoping I'm right and they won't add wireless to the iPod for the many reasons noted in this thread... if they do make something new that does and fits the needs some of you have called for, I really hope it's a new device (maybe with some storage for songs or whatever else you want) that will give you what you guys seem to want without making my purchase of the new "true" video iPod cost me in the range of $600 - $700 for new "features" I - and I think many others - have no desire to use.

    Mar 24, 02:51 PM
    So, without using the supplied windows CD/Driver I can simply plug n' play the 5870 intom my 2009 MacPro and it work?! Heck, if you have done it without issues, then I'm tempted.
    Ask for some more info on the Mac Pro board ( or use the search function on MacRumors. My knowledge on it is fairly limited.

    Nov 27, 01:27 PM
    Maybe Apple just needs to lower its monitor prices to sane levels as opposed to the ridiculous prices that they currently stand at. Justify them all you want, if Apple really wants to push its monitors, those prices need to come down. They might have flew 3 years ago, but enough is enough.

    I just got a 22-inch LCD for $370 (US), and it's not a piece. Quite frankly, I can't really tell the difference. Plus it has better adjustments and I/O. It doesn't have the Apple look, and it only has 1050 horizontal lines of res but, that's not worth the extra dollars for me.

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  • mandis
    Mar 25, 03:55 PM
    At this pace the iPad3 will come close to the PS3 in terms of performance when it is released next year...

    I'm really impressed by the increasing performance of the ARM architecture. Mind you all this is coming from a tiny SoC which doesn't require cooling or any substantial power intake.

    Impressive indeed!

    Maybe we'll be seeing ARM based Desktops by the end of the decade... or sooner?

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  • millerb7
    May 3, 06:58 AM
    Okay, stupid question, sort of related.

    I'm running optibay on my MBP (SSD & HDD with SSD split running my apps and OS, and then Win7, and my HDD acting as my storage drive for my media).... when I install Lion how crazy is that going to get?

    I HIGHLY doubt (but do hopelessly hope [yes, I know]) that it'll be as easy as swapping my snow leopard with Lion... meaning that my Win7 will remain.... although for some reason I feel that I'll need to format the entire SSD, thus erasing my win7 install?

    The only reason I ask is that it's a pita to install Win7 with this setup due to Win7 not loading from disk via USB... so I have to remove the damn optibay and put my optical drive back in.

    So basically, I assume I have to re-link my OSX (as it's split now between ssd and hdd)... but do I have to erase my Win7 install as well on the SSD?

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  • milo
    Sep 6, 08:47 AM
    I'm mixed to disappointed on this one.

    The solo to duo upgrade on the low end is nice, but I would rather have seen a price drop.

    On the high end, that's barely an upgrade at all. Before, the high end model was way more appealing, after the upgrade the high end model is really unappealing compared with the macbook and the iMac.

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  • Irishman
    Apr 20, 08:18 AM
    A 6800m would be a downgrade. Keep in mind the current imac with the 5750 is actually a 5850m. 6850m is a downgrade from a 5850m, though only slightly. There are only two cards they could use that are upgrades over the current one and that's the 6950m and the 6970m.

    I would also hope for the 3.4ghz i7-2600 sandy bridge processor.


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  • reflex
    Aug 7, 06:04 AM
    Since AMD took over ATI I think we won't be seeing to many ATI cards in future products of Apple.

    Not letting Intel vendors include ATI products would be the best way for AMD to lose a lot of money.

    You can also look at it like this:
    ATI products sell well --> AMD makes lots of money --> AMD spends more money on research --> AMD makes better cpus --> AMD sells more cpus --> AMD makes even more money

    (and yes I know it's of course a very simple way to look at things that are quite complex)

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  • NebulaClash
    Sep 14, 10:10 AM iPhone 4 still gets the best reception of any phone I've ever owned, regardless of how I hold it or whether or not it has a case on it...

    Yes, of course that's the case for most people. But you'd never know that if you listened to the drumbeat of the media saying that this iPhone version too has reception issues (I say "too" because this is not the first model of iPhone where reception issues were blown out of proportion ( to the percentage of users actually affected).

    shriya saran hot. shriya saran hot.
  • shriya saran hot.

  • Lord Blackadder
    Mar 1, 05:11 PM
    That could be true, but I can't verify it - simply because I don't really see any of those around here....

    A friend of mine owns a 2009 Jetta TDI, and another friend owns a 2003(ish) Golf TDI. The new Jetta is significantly better than the Golf with the older generation diesel, but even the Golf's engine is much more refined than a diesel truck engine.

    I live out in the country (horse and cattle farms), and about half the pickups out here are 3/4 ton and 1 ton diesels, mostly Chevys and Fords. Following one down the highway it's hard to hear them, but if you're behind one you can damn sure smell it - and yes, I'm talking about the new ones, too.

    I live in Alaska, and they love their big diesel trucks here. I can agree that pretty much all of them stink awfully when you drive behind them. Also, performance modifications are pretty popular, so that with re-tuned ECUs and free-flowing exhausts, the damned things are positively deafening and noxious. The older trucks are definitely much worse than the newest models though.

    Can't speak to the new DPF-equipped trucks, I haven't had enough experience with them. Hopefully, the increasingly stringent economy and pollution regulations will continue to make pickup diesels less and less similar to the dumptruck, semi and bulldozer engines we currently associate them with.

    Still, the bottom line is, passenger car diesel engines from Germany and Italy in particular are excellent and nothing like the big clunkers in American trucks. If a diesel Cruze makes it here, it will be very smooth and quiet by comparison.

    shriya saran hot. Tag Images shriya saran
  • Tag Images shriya saran

  • The.316
    Nov 24, 01:41 PM
    ^^^Picture thread, dude. Picture thread. ;)


    You really going to make me post pictures? :( Ill post them when I get the box. Instead of paying the $250 all this stuff would have cost me to ship to Greece, I shipped everything to my cousin, with free shipping on some, and it will only cost about $110 to ship with the post office here.

    shriya saran hot. Shriya Saran Wallpapers
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  • slackpacker
    Mar 24, 02:32 PM
    i would love to buy an off the shelf gpu for half the price of a mac branded amd card. please let this be true then i will not sell my 2008 macpro

    shriya saran hot. The Hot Wallpaper Blog: payal
  • The Hot Wallpaper Blog: payal

  • JGowan
    May 2, 04:55 PM
    I'm afraid this might be confusing for some users - Launch Pad and iOS like behavior for MAS applications and 'old' way of doing things for none MAS applications ... doesn't sound very consistent - I hope they clean that inconsistency up for the final version.MAS? The Muslim American Society? The Municipal Art Society of NY? Malaysia Airlines? Monetary Authority of Singapore?

    Confused :confused::confused::confused:

    shriya saran hot. Shreya Saran Wallpapers
  • Shreya Saran Wallpapers

  • maclaptop
    Apr 9, 11:46 PM
    I've never owned an automatic. I'm addicted to driving a sports car with a manual gearbox.

    After owning several I simply cannot imagine anything else. I enjoy driving too much to drive an automatic sedan.

    shriya saran hot. Shriya Saran Hot
  • Shriya Saran Hot

  • Angrisano
    Sep 6, 08:05 PM
    I can not believe how long it has taken me to finally bother to register here...And it has taken the release of an iMac to do it.

    Ironically I've been a longtime reader myself and just registered because of this article, though for exactly the opposite reason as you. :D

    And yes I realize my complaints about a mid-range tower probably seem pointless to most. But the iMac just doesn't seem to meet my needs. I'm happy with my current dual monitors (which match in size and resolution) and I'd prefer more than a 128mb graphics card.

    Moreover, I've been a Mac user since 1993 and never owned a single LCD-based Mac which didn't have a dead pixel. That's about seven Macs, including my current MacBook. Bad luck, I realize but I'm just not buying an all-in-one desktop from Apple. :p

    shriya saran hot. Shreya Saran Hot Wallpapers
  • Shreya Saran Hot Wallpapers

  • suwandy
    Oct 23, 04:32 PM ( (German) ( reports that MacBook Pro upgrades could take place as early as this week. Expected updates include Core 2 Duo upgrades as has long been expected as well as larger drives, FW800, and upgraded DVD drives.

    Meanwhile, product checks ( indicate that several European hardware distributers "ran dry" of MacBook and MacBook Pro inventory several weeks ago.

    Rumors of MacBook Pro upgrades have been ongoing for weeks. The last reported rumor from comes from an iBook update prediction ( in 2004. That rumor turned out to be true (

    and the rumor for this one will turn out to be true as well, and I'll be free from this waiting room. :)

    shriya saran hot. Shriya Saran Hot Side Boob
  • Shriya Saran Hot Side Boob

  • AlphaDogg
    Feb 17, 11:52 PM
    here's my current setup. I finally got a Intel Mac and it will become to main machine soon. In the Pic is everything in the sig but the IIc and Performa.
    Nice setup! It has a little bit of everything in it!

    shriya saran hot. shriya saran hot
  • shriya saran hot

  • poppe
    Jul 14, 12:31 PM
    DVC-PRO is a Panasonic created format.


    Oops... I stand Corrected...

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  • Shreya Saran Hot Photos

  • HecubusPro
    Sep 6, 06:57 PM
    Don't be so sure. The iTunes 6 audio DRM has only just been broken after almost 11 months of fervent effort, and as far as I know the video DRM has yet to be broken.

    Just in time for iTunes 7. :p.

    The current DRMed files are useless when backed up to a DVD unless you have the correct iTMS username/password.


    Oh, I'm not sure. That's why I always say "I think" instead of "I'm sure." :)

    I just think (see ;) ) that a DL rental program woudn't be that popular because most people still don't use broadband. Unless they can really compress a movie down enough so that it's enticing to people who don't use broadband, while maintaining a certain degree of quality, a rental system from Apple's point of view, IMO, would not be worth attempting.

    Conversely, I could see them offering different quality versions for those broadbandless people similar to different quality versions of trailers, so who knows. I'm just anxious to see what they'll be offering on the 12th. It's very exciting.

    shriya saran hot. Super Hot Shreya
  • Super Hot Shreya

  • Schnebar
    Jan 13, 01:24 AM
    this is crap,

    no one in their right mind would make something with 0 ports, you have to at a bare minimum have an audio out.

    Hmm maybe they could get around this by shipping bluetooth headphones with it.

    And the no-plug dock charging sounds good too.

    Imagine a ultra portable macbook with no ports.

    It would have a docking station with a lot of ports in the dock but it would all wirelessly be transfered to the macbook.

    No clicking into the dock. Just set it down.

    If the dock could be integrated into the desk it could look like you are just setting it on the desk.

    But it is wirelessly sending power and signals with the dock which has usb, firewire, large HD, optical drive, headphone jacks, and other ports that are hidden under the desk.

    Edit: just realized that in the time I took to reply someone else already pointed out bluetooth headphones.

    shriya saran hot. and Shriya Saran and other
  • and Shriya Saran and other

  • rock6079
    Nov 28, 09:51 AM
    as i recall, apples ipod laucnh dindt have much hype either. however the market is different now and people know the significance of the mp3 player, but its still nice to see the zune not doin too well !

    shriya saran hot. shreya saran hot sexy red
  • shreya saran hot sexy red

  • Evangelion
    Jul 20, 05:11 AM
    And, by the way, purchasing stocks based on price isn't very smart. I don't understand why you're singleling out Google just because it has a high stock price. It actually works against your point because it's a great stock-arguably better than Apple.

    Stock-price is irrelevant, what matter is the market-capitalization. Quite often I see people comparing two companies and saying stuff like "Company A has a shareprice of $50, whereas Company B has a shareprice of $60. Therefore Company B is better".

    I guess Berkshire Hathaway is the Capo di Tutti Capi of companies, since their shareprice is over 90.000 dollars!

    Sep 6, 10:45 AM
    Please explain to me who would buy a mini and why?
    I just don't get it when a imac is close in price with a monitor.
    What am I missing?
    I have two minis, one of which is running headless, one is running with one of my extra monitors. Why would I want to buy yet another monitor? Besides which, if you're using them as a "poor man's build farm" you don't need superdrives.

    Feb 27, 09:52 PM
    Looks like you do a fair bit of typing on that thing!
    My old one started looking like that but then Apple replaced it with a new one. I bought a keyboard cover. Not because I hate shiny keys, but because hair and stuff was falling in the keys.

    My keyboard on my White 2006 MacBook would get like that, and then the top case would crack and would be replaced. It didn't stay like that for long...

    Nov 27, 09:33 PM
    For the rig in my sig...
    NZXT Phantom :D

    WD Raptor

    Nov 29, 01:38 PM
    Where else can they go? The brain, I guess?

    Apr 27, 10:15 AM
    However, using the term app store to relate to any type of software market will lead to confusion between generic app stores and Apple's App Store - which makes it a trademark violation.

    No one is going to confuse MS Windows with the windows in your house.

    Depends, really. "Windows" can be relevant to an OS or GUIs where both relate to computers, but one can be more specific in saying that an OS underlies a GUI, thus they're two different aspects of software. One could be talking about GUIs and still say "My computer has windows." Point being, how much grey area is general vs. narrowing down to the nitty-gritty of what the trademark involves? That being said, I'm saying Apple should be granted a trademark on "App Store," but folks like us shouldn't be in violation of anything if we refer to others' stores as "app stores." That is, laypersons can do this, but two companies cannot. Thing is, if the specifics of Apple's trademark request involves a digital/electronic store-front for selling digital applications, blah blah blah, it's fine that other business shouldn't refer to theirs w/ any form of that term w/in their digital/electronic store-fronts. BlackBerry Appworld is different enough from Apple's "App Store," where Amazon's "appstore" is just too close to Apple's.

    Just like Knight, I think we're saying the same thing, but maybe we're just coming across from different poles. That's not to say that we're in agreement on whether Apple should or shouldn't have the term trademarked, but that we understand what's all involved with trademarks, their usage, etc.